전화: 416-895-1004
4 Blakeley Rd. Toronto, ON
한인 시니어 탁구협회
전화: 647-209-8933
1100 Petrolia Rd Toronto, ON
최고의 POS시스템 - 스마트 디지탈 POS
전화: 416-909-7070
준비된 바이어 그룹 , BAYTREE 이너써클
전화: 416-226-5999
7030 Woodbine Ave. Suite 103 Toronto, ON
전화: 647-985-0456
9625 Yonge St #4, Richmond Hill, ON Toronto, ON
호남향우회 (토론토)
전화: 647-981-0404
7 Bishop Ave. #2411 Toronto, ON
캐나다 공인 컨설턴트 - 한인크레딧 컨설팅
전화: 416-897-8438
1 High Meadow Place, Unit 2 North York, ON
부동산캐나다 (Korean Real Estate Post)
전화: 416-449-5552
1995 Leslie Street Toronto, ON
스마트 디지탈 프린팅 - 인쇄 및 디자인
전화: 416-909-7070
4065 chesswood dr. Toronto, ON
조준상 (로열르페이지 한인부동산 대표)
전화: 416-449-7600
1993 Leslie St. Toronto, ON
토론토 민박 전문집
전화: 416-802-5560
Steeles & Bathurst ( Yonge) Toronto, ON
럭키 여행사
전화: 416-938-8323
4699 keele st.suite 218 toronto Ontario M3J 2N8 toronto, ON
새로운 인생의 시작입니다. 내 삶의 기록을 통해서 나를 보고싶습니다.
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 7 전체: 38,916 )
[구엘프]분만하러 병원갈때 챙겨가야할 준비물
구엘프 종합병원에서 준 목록이다.
Personal Care Items
o Comb, brush, elastic bands if hair is long
o Body lotion or oil
o Large sanitary pads, enough for 3 days and nights
o Deodorant, soap, shampoo, and conditioner
o Tooth paste, toothbrush, tissue
o Two or three nightgowns or pairs of pyjamas (front-opening for breastfeeding)
o Bed jacket or sweater (front opening for breastfeeding)
o Slippers and dressing gown
o Cotton socks and panties, supporting or nursing bra
o Nursing pads
Items to help with labour
o Hospital Health Card
o Prenatal records (if applicable)
o Extra pillow (in coloured pillow case)
o Watch
o Chap stick
o Focal point (object or picture to look at during contrations)
o Ice pack, tennis balls, rolling pin, hot water bottle, mirror
o Sour lollipops or candies
o Snack for partner
o Partner's swimsuit (so your partner can accompany you in the shower)
o Tape recorder (with headphones) and tapes of relaxing music and batteries (you are not allowed to plug anything into the electrical outlets)
o Diapers newborn size
o Shirt and gown or sleepers
o Plastic pants if not using disposable
o Sweater, bonnet, and booties (ir wearing a gown)
o Shawl or blanket, depending on the weather
o Baby hats (2-3)
o Receiving blankets (8-12)
o Safety approved infant car seat for the trip home
o Baby Wash
o Pen, paper, magazine or book
o List of telephone numbers, money for payphone
o Camera, eye glasses