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멋진스윙.. 장타를 원하십니까? 오랜경력의 윤프로가 확실하게 책임지도 해드립니다. 647.291.2022
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 3,484 전체: 12,547,076 )
Dear Mr. Whan ... Lexi's should-be plea to LPGA commissioner

16세 챔프’ 톰슨, LPGA 정식 멤버 절차 정식 멤버되기 위해 청원서 낼 듯 16세의 나이로 미국여자프로골프(LPGA) 투어에서 우승한 알렉시스 톰슨(미국)이 '특별 케이스'로 LPGA 정식 멤버가 되기 위한 절차를 밟는다. 미국 골프전문 사이트 '골프위크'는 21일 톰슨의 에이전트 말을 인용해 톰슨이 다음 주에 열리는 LPGA 퀄리파잉스쿨 2차 예선에 출전하지 않는다고 보도했다. 대신 톰슨은 LPGA 사무국에 청원서를 제출해 특별 승인을 받아 정식 멤버가 되는 방안을 추진할 것으로 알려졌다. 톰슨의 에이전트 보비 크로이슬러는 "이번 주는 아일랜드에서 솔하임컵이 열리기 때문에 다음주 미국으로 돌아오는 마이클 완 LPGA 커미셔너와 만나 톰슨의 정식 입회에 대해 논의할 예정"이라고 말했다. 톰슨은 지난주 나비스타 클래식에서 LPGA 투어 역대 최연소 우승자가 됐지만 18세 이상으로 제한한 LPGA 규정 때문에 정식 회원이 되지 못한다. 규정대로라면 톰슨은 올해 퀄리파잉스쿨에 응시할 수도 없지만 LPGA 사무국의 출전 허락을 받아 1차 예선을 1위로 통과했다. Dear Mr. Whan ... Lexi's should-be plea to LPGA commissioner By Charlie Rymer September 18, 2011 10:38 PM ET . If I were Lexi Thompson, this letter would be going to LPGA headquarters Monday morning: Dear Mr. Commissioner: . Thanks for approving my petition to attend LPGA Q-School prior to age 18. I'm sure you saw where I advanced through the first stage. Don't take this wrong, I'm not asking for my money back, it's just that, due to recent events, I've decided Q-School isn't my thing. I've come into some money and I really want to travel. Even though I'm just 16, I've had some good experiences in Europe. I also enjoy spending time in Asia. Teenagers generally don't like sushi, but I am an exception. I'm not real sure why your rules don't allow me to be a member of the LPGA, but I'm guessing it has something to do with protecting players that have been around for awhile because, and I'm not trying to seem overly confident, I think I've shown that I have the ability to compete. Anyway, I'm going to go out and see the world now. I think I might even play with the men from time to time. I'm also thinking about talking to my agent about having a few events of my own. Don't worry, I won't play on the weeks when there are LPGA tournaments. Oh wow, that gives me 33 weeks to choose from! Well, thanks for your time, I've got to run now. Some CEO's from large companies have left messages for me and I need to call them back. I hope to see you at the Kraft Nabisco Championship, or the U.S. Open, or the British Open, or maybe that other major you have. Best of luck with your tour and if I can ever help..... Kind regards, Lexi