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Vijay Singh

Vijay Singh Grillroom interview By Bob Verdi Golf Digest What's the best thing that happened to you since you won the Masters? I got a lot of response from Fiji, which was nice, because I don't get much chance to go back there anymore. I also went to my son Qass' third-grade class. Like a show and tell. You came from modest means. Do you worry about spoiling Qass? He's already spoiled. He's our only child. But he's only spoiled around us. When he's with other people, he's very disciplined. We try to make him aware that when my wife, Ardena, and I were his age, we didn't have what he has. By the way, what's with the blue medicine ball? Did that come with the green jacket? I've been working out for years, trying to take care of myself. I travel more and more, the competition keeps getting younger and stronger. In a way. She's the one who suggested that I putt cross-handed two years ago, at the Western Open. She said, "You tell your son to putt that way -- why don't you?" I did, and two months later, I won the PGA Championship. But you didn't putt with your eyes closed. No, I did that when I won the Phoenix Open. I was moving my head a lot, so I closed my eyes. If you go into a room, turn out all the lights. You have a better feel of where you are and how you're walking if it's dark. If you close your eyes while you're putting, it's all feel. There's nothing to look at, like the putter going back, to distract you. Besides your wife and son, you have an extended family. Oh, yes. Loppy, Snowy, Rover, Tyson, Silver and Teddy Bear. German shepherds. Now, they're spoiled. They get whatever they want. You're halfway to winning the career Grand Slam. Surprised? I'm a little surprised about the Masters. That would have been the toughest major for me to win, because of the greens. Ardena helped change my attitude about that, too. I've played well in the British and U.S. Opens. But it's so much about timing. If you're peaking that week... Are you more confident than ever? Yes, and more comfortable about my swing. I don't really have a regular teacher, but I feel that I know enough about my swing that if I make a bad shot, I know how to correct it. You basically built your own swing. When I first came on tour, it was like a car that hadn't been tuned. It can go, but where and for how long? My swing from years ago to now is much different. In 1977, I think this magazine had a photo series on Tom Weiskopf's swing. That's all I had. Because of what you've done and where you came from, do you appreciate this life more than your peers do? Probably. If I was born in Fiji, but went to college in the States to play golf, maybe I wouldn't be where I am. Maybe what I've seen of life has helped me get here instead of hurt. In Borneo, as a club pro, I made no real money. But it was peaceful, and every day was the same. Where would you be without golf? I have no idea. I always wanted golf. But I wouldn't have been afraid to work. If I had to dig trenches, I would have.