추천업소 선택:
추천업소 그룹 리스트
  • 식품ㆍ음식점ㆍ쇼핑1
  • 부동산ㆍ건축ㆍ생활2
  • 미용ㆍ건강ㆍ의료3
  • 자동차ㆍ수리ㆍ운송4
  • 관광ㆍ하숙ㆍ스포츠5
  • 이민ㆍ유학ㆍ학교6
  • 금융ㆍ보험ㆍ모기지7
  • 컴퓨터ㆍ인터넷ㆍ전화8
  • 오락ㆍ유흥ㆍPC방9
  • 법률ㆍ회계ㆍ번역10
  • 꽃ㆍ결혼ㆍ사진11
  • 예술ㆍ광고ㆍ인쇄12
  • 도매ㆍ무역ㆍ장비13
  • 종교ㆍ언론ㆍ단체14
멋진스윙.. 장타를 원하십니까? 오랜경력의 윤프로가 확실하게 책임지도 해드립니다. 647.291.2022
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 7,646 전체: 12,522,872 )
Karrie's Power and accuracy

Power and accuracy Karrie's swing is uncomplicated and repeatable, and she usually has a good idea why things go wrong. I provide an extra pair of eyes to help when things need straightening out. Even for tour players, subtle problems can creep in. Whenever Karrie comes back home for a visit, she always has some specific things she wants to work on. We track her swing over the year with video (she sends me images via e-mail every two weeks), so I usually have some ideas before she even gets here. Recently, we've smoothed out some minor kinks she had in her takeaway and the top of the backswing. She had been taking the club back inside too quickly in the takeaway and taking the club too far past parallel at the top. The biggest difference in the swing compared to when I first started collecting video of it in early 1998 is that she's moving much less off the ball (i.e., away from the target) on the backswing than she did before. She used to move off it as much as Tiger Woods does. Now she's trying to ease off that for more consistency and control. She's very strong, and now she's the best combination of power and accuracy on the U.S. tour. Karrie makes my job easy. She's relentlessly competitive and knows she has to continually improve if sheis to stay at the top. At the end of last year, she was still driving herself to have the best stroke average and be the first LPGA player to earn more than $2 million in a season. She won the stroke-average title, but missed the money goal by just a few dollars, which I'm sure motivates her for this season.