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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 10 전체: 229,672 )
MPPs never understand impact of Tobacco Ban.

지금으로 부터 꼭 1년전에 새로 집권한 온주 자유당 정부에서 우리 교민들이 주종을 이루어 생업에 종사하고 있는 코너스토어에서 담배 진열을 못하게 입법화 시키는것을 비난하는 내용의 글을 올린적이 있는데, 다시 이곳에 옮겨 봅니다. 요즘 장사는 잘 안되는데, 담배 진열 마져 못하게 해서, 담배 진열 수당도 없어진 가게들이 많습니다. 실협 회장들은 전임이나, 현재 회장단들이나 실협 공금으로, 실협의 발전과는 전연 상관도 없는, 고국의 한상대회에 참석하는것이 이제는 연례 행사가 되여 버렸답니다. 실협회원들을 위한 회장단인지? 아니면 회장단 비용을 대기 위해서 회원들이 회비를 거두는것인지? 답답합니다. 장사가 안되 회원들이 소리없이 문닫는 불상사가 계속터지고 있는판인데...... They(MPP) are not the ordinary people who works daily for their breand and butter. They are living on supreme supported by ordinary people like you and me,using the word of representitives of peoples living in Ontario. They are the representitives for you and ontario voters only during the election campaign. Now,after election was over, they are now studying how they can raise their paycheques without resistant or complains from voters to make their own golden plates secretly. Only way we as retailers can do for our survival from this crisis of the Ban tobacco display is ,if possible,that we should let the media, like news papers to know the facts correctly why we object the Ban Tobacco products display at the retail stores which must be done by KBA administration initially with cooperation with it's members. Unfortunately nothing has been done so far which we feel shame on KBA. Moreover the president,Mr Chu is in Korea participating the 한상대회 in the name of it's member's sake which is totally a farce. There are big differences between a individual and organization for solving or submitting a issue to the related government faculty that Mr.Chu,president of OKBA looks like doesn't understand of this concept,shame. So every members,please, try to get the staffs of news media who may drop by member's store as the customer, to understand our situation and MPP's living styles.