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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 54 전체: 225,847 )
우리의 연구 절대 거짖이 아니다, 황박사 주장.

Stem cell expert: Work is not fake 줄기세포 전문가 : 우리가 연구한것 절대로 거짖이 아니다. From CNN's Sohn Jie-ae Friday, December 16, 2005; Posted: 3:53 a.m. EST (08:53 GM South Korea (CNN) -- A prominent South Korean scientist is defending himself against allegations of fraud in stem-cell research, in a case that could rank as one of biggest science fraud cases in years. 최근 몆년사이에 일어난, 과학자들에 의해 발표된것중에 가장큰 거짖연구로 점철될수 있는 거짖줄기세포배양의 증거들에 대해, 유명한 한국의 한 과학자가 거짖이 아니라고 반박했읍니다. Seoul National University says it will investigate whether some of Hwang Woo-suk's cloning research was fabricated. Hwang claimed the first cloned human embryo and the first cloned dog, but on Thursday a colleague said his research was false, and called him a fake. The South Korean researcher says he'll prove himself and replicate the process within days. 한국의 과학자(황우석)는 며칠안에 실험을 통해서 복제품을 만들어 자신이 거짖을 하지 않았음을 증명해 보이겠다고 말했읍니다. "Our research team did produce patient-specific embryonic stem cells and we have the original technology to produce them," he told reporters at a crowded news conference on Friday. "우리 연구팀은 환자-특수줄기세포를 생성시켰고, 이러한 생성에 대한 원래 기술을 우리가 확보하고 있다" 라고 금요일에 기자회견장을 꽉메운 기자들에게 설명했읍니다. Using stem cells, doctors one day hope to tailor medicine to individuals, even growing replacement organs. Hwang has been under fire since last month, when he admitted his team used eggs donated from junior scientists in his laboratory, a practice frowned upon because of coercion concerns. Then on Thursday, Roh Sung-il, a hospital administrator and someone who had directly worked with Hwang, said the researcher had admitted fabricating the results of a landmark article published in May. Roh also accused Hwang of contaminating the stem cell lines. Hwang said Friday he asked the journal Science to withdraw the article on the study. The U.S. co-author of the article has already asked for his name to be removed from it because of the controversy. Responding to the criticism, Hwang admitted that six stem cell lines have been contaminated and destroyed, but said he is defrosting five other stem cell lines and can validate his earlier work in the coming days. 앞서 발표된 로이터 기사후 자진 기자회견에서 황박사의 반박주장에 대한 기사 같읍니다. 인내를 갖고 검증결과를 기다리는 지혜가 요구되는군요. 감사.