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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 23 전체: 125,503 )
[하키강습 4]Evaluate goals, & set new ones

Evaluate goals, & set new ones by Dr. Saul L. Miller 06/2004 - Motivation is the beginning. It ? what energizes us and moves us to action. Goals help to direct our energies. At the beginning of a hockey season, I recommend players set several types of goals for themselves, most notably; personal and team season goals and career goals. I tell players to write their goals down, say them out loud, and repeat them to themselves often. At the end of the season, I think it뭩 a good idea to revisit your hockey goals, reflect on what you뭭e accomplished over the past year ?and consider what you have to do to keep moving on the path of self-improvement. Set long-term or career goals. I think having a long term or career goal can be very helpful. Some Bantam and Midget age players I work with, who are 14 to 16 years old, set personal 밹areer?goals to play junior, collegiate and even professional hockey. You may set a goal be to be the best player you can be, to make an elite team ?or simply to enjoy the game. It helps to have a perspective that addresses why you play and where you want to go. It뭩 what will move you to the gym to work out or do some power skating on a nice summer day while some of your friends are just hanging out. Review your goals for the season. If you had set goals for the season that just ended, goals for scoring, plus/minus, skill development or team play, then reflect on your play over the year. How did you do regarding these goals? It might help to have a talk with your coach about your performance over the season. Then, determine what you can do in terms of conditioning, skill development, and team play to improve your game next season. Team goals. Hockey is a team game. Team successes are paramount to a successful and enjoyable season. Reflect on the season that just finished. How did you match up as a team player in regard to work ethic, playing a role, leadership, and supporting your teammates? Summer goals. What are your summer plans? What do you want and plan to do over the summer? If you are serious about improving your hockey development, summertime is an opportunity to work at getting stronger, improving skating, or game skills at hockey camps. And it doesn뭪 have to be all about hockey. You can improve your conditioning and have fun cross-training with other sports. For example, soccer is an excellent way to improve foot skills and aerobic capacity. It뭩 important to have fun. It뭩 also important to do healthy things like eating well. You can exercise your brain (and lift your spirit) reading a couple of good books. Most sport biographies are excellent examples of people who set goals, worked hard, and made their dreams come true. Goal setting is a beginning. There ? no time like the present to begin the self-improvement process. Decide what you want to do to improve your game. Determine what you have to do to accomplish your goals ?then follow through. Enjoy the summertime, have fun, and use some of the time to take a few steps closer to realizing your hockey goals. (Dr. Saul Miller is a Vancouver based sport psychologist and author of the book, Hockey Tough, A Winning Mental Game, published by Human Kinetics, 2003.)