추천업소 선택:
추천업소 그룹 리스트
  • 식품ㆍ음식점ㆍ쇼핑1
  • 부동산ㆍ건축ㆍ생활2
  • 미용ㆍ건강ㆍ의료3
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  • 종교ㆍ언론ㆍ단체14
멋진스윙.. 장타를 원하십니까? 오랜경력의 윤프로가 확실하게 책임지도 해드립니다. 647.291.2022
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 9,182 전체: 12,712,640 )
Tiger Woods' new normal

Tiger Woods' new normal Jamie Squire/Getty ImagesThings have not gone well for Tiger Woods for the last two years, on and off the course. It may be time for Woods to reconsider everything and embrace a new normal. The waning champion, Tiger Woods, seems to see the world as his personal doormat. From the way he treated his marriage -- stomp -- to the way he treats golf etiquette -- stomp -- to the way he stiffs car valets and bellhops -- who? -- Woods seems bent on winding up with so few friends they'll be able to hold his funeral in a fitting room. And now comes the way he's treated his friend, groomsman and caddie, Stevie Williams. Nobody has been more loyal to Woods than Williams. When throngs of fans and media blocked the way, he was a one-man flying wedge for Woods. When clicking happened on backswings, he tossed cameras into ponds for Woods. When the parade of porn stars and pancake princesses came pouring out of Tiger's past, he went stone mute for Woods. And how does Woods pay him back? By reportedly not paying him a dime during this two-year knee-rebuilding, swing-rebuilding, Buddha-embracing hiatus. By not telling him that he wasn't going to play in this year's U.S. Open -- Williams didn't find out about it until he landed in Portland from New Zealand. And now, by firing him, apparently for taking Adam Scott's bag a couple of times to tide himself over. Irony there. Williams took a bullet for Woods for nearly two years and then winds up being shot by Woods himself. "I've basically wasted the last two years of my life," a pissed-off Williams told Mediaworks. But Williams you don't have to worry about. The one who needs an extreme makeover now is Tiger Woods. It's time for a new normal, Tiger.Economists tell us real estate values may never come back and we need to get used to a new normal. Unemployment may never improve. New normal. So, Tiger Woods, if and when you return to golf, you need to adjust to a new normal. Tiger, you need to realize that when you come back, you'll no longer scare anybody. Unlike the old days, you can only win with your clubs now, not your scowl and not your jet and not your caddie, whoever that's going to be.