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멋진스윙.. 장타를 원하십니까? 오랜경력의 윤프로가 확실하게 책임지도 해드립니다. 647.291.2022
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McDowell calls Rory best he's ever seen

GolfTalkCentral: McDowell calls Rory best he's ever seen By Jay Coffin June 19, 2011 6:36 PM ET Coffin has been editorial director since 2008 and is a contributor to the "Grey Goose 19th Hole." Md. ?Rory McIlroy is on the verge of winning his first major championship. The guy who won the 2010 U.S. Open thinks the guy who is going to win the 2011 crown is better than anyone in the world. Right now. 밐e뭩 the best player I뭭e ever seen,?Graeme McDowell said. 밒 didn뭪 have a chance to play with Tiger when he was in his real pump, and this guy is the best I뭭e ever seen, simple as that. He뭩 great for golf. He뭩 a breath of fresh air for the game and perhaps we뭨e ready for golf뭩 next superstar and maybe Rory is it.? . McDowell made a valiant effort in defense of his championship, shooting 70-74-69-69 for a 2-under 282 total. What makes McIlroy so good? 밐e뭩 the best drive of the golf ball I뭭e ever seen,?McDowell said. 밐is iron play is aggressive. He뭩 got a great ball flight and he뭩 got a great touch around the greens. His putting has been the only question mark and his little bit of perhaps, how do you call it, lack of being able to close to this point. Those are the only two parts of his game that have been in questions. He뭩 putting all the question marks to rest this week.?