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Fair and balanced regarding Tiger
BRANDEL CHAMBLEE Posted 02/28/2011, 12:34 PM EST
I’m often accused of being negative toward Tiger Woods.
As a golfer and as a fan I am appreciative of the entertainment that Tiger has provided and hold in awe his many accomplishments. Countless times and in countless ways I have stated and written this in the course of my duties as an analyst and a writer.
It is my intention and indeed my responsibility to speak to an issue with complete accuracy where statistics or numbers are the determining factors for clarity. When opinion is called for, I base mine on those stats or records and compare them with other eras for perspective. Whether Tiger is the greatest player of all time or will go down as the greatest player of all time is an interminable debate and I always enjoy listening to those well-informed ideas that run, either counter to mine, or are in step with mine.
As for the negativity, in some cases I’m guilty as charged. I cannot as an analyst find reason to compliment a player who abandons proven methods for more pedestrian ones. What if he is ultimately successful in his endeavors to change his swing and win majors? He would end up right where he started, at the cost of time, which is every athlete’s most valuable commodity. Furthermore, it would have cost him considerable wear on a body that has not aged well. All of this makes me question whether it is one of the most confusing things we have seen in golf.
Do not mistake this opinion for ill will, I wish Tiger well. He has made my job very easy as he has given us so many salivating moments to talk about on the air. He has been very good for golf, especially globally. Golf has not grown in this country since he arrived but in the world it is a different story.
Golf is positioned for seismic growth, in China, India, Russia and South America because of its inclusion in the Olympics in 2016. While Ty Votaw, the PGA Tour and golf's other governing bodies around the globe deserve a standing ovation for this, I can't help but think that Tiger played the biggest part. He made golf cool and the idea of having him on an Olympic stage had to be a determining factor in overcoming the inertia that had kept golf out of the biggest sporting event in the world. For that, golf owes Tiger a debt of gratitude.
If you read this Tiger, thank you and I hope 2011 turns out to be a great year for you.
All user comments
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ripperAZ Said on 03/04/2011, at 9:06 AM EST
“Overheard in a mansion in Fl. SF:"Good thing we reconsidered Honda, that wind has it's own geometry" TW "Yeah, we also have to calculate the gravitational pull of the water after wind affect" SF "We'll need more time and computer memory, I've contracted that computer that won Jeopardy to calculate more angles and shift points" TW "Doral may also be windy, perhaps it's too soon and we'll move backwards again, we have until 500 EST to decide" SW "UGGGHHH where are the bananas bag ape hungry”
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rofrandel Said on 03/04/2011, at 6:12 AM EST
“I think Tiger needs to go back to his old ways of being angry when he hits a bad shot. He needs to get rid of that anger before he hits the next shot. Lots of golfers do the same. It is a way to get back on track and refocus. He was always the most focused golfer ever.”
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B the B Said on 03/03/2011, at 9:19 PM EST
“LannyH I agree with j55honny, but with respect you are way off, IMHO!”
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LannyH Said on 03/03/2011, at 9:11 PM EST
“j55honny, I agree with you. It's time we stopped comparing Tiger Woods' legacy to Jack Nicklaus's and Bobby Jones' and Ben Hogan's. He can't lift their putters. Comparing him to middle-of-the-pack players makes much more sense. Thanks for bringing sanity to the discussion.”
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ripperAZ Said on 03/03/2011, at 9:01 PM EST
“Shem, Shemp Shill Schlong ,Martin , Lewis peanut butter and Jelly and the andrew sisters discuss and REACT to me! LOL Schwing FORE”
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B the B Said on 03/03/2011, at 8:45 PM EST
“47 Chev yep I know who they are (lol)! Yeah where is WS...????”
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B the B Said on 03/03/2011, at 8:43 PM EST
“ripperAZ and Said, you guys will burn in H E L L LOL!”
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ripperAZ Said on 03/03/2011, at 8:19 PM EST
“Said, you go Man, I love it, pile on Great Smack”
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Said on 03/03/2011, at 8:10 PM EST
“I am completely disgusted by tiger Woods. I met him when he was at Stanford many years ago. He was a gracious,polite young man. Since then he has become a petulant boor. Trace it back to his associations with the two biggest jerks in sport-MJ & CB. Next,he fires two coaches who helped him achieve success be-cause they took some credit for his success. Then, he marries a delightful woman who is not allowed to communicate with the public. At present, he is working with a new coach and another swing change and will not play a usual tour event unless Dubai or other deep-pockets sponsor pays him to appear. He has completely trashed his career and will never get back. He is now playing at David Duval's level and it is a terrific shame.”
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B the B Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:52 PM EST
“47 Chev are you drunk again (lol) We all know what 4 x 2 means in cockney ryhming slang! schlong the wind dies down from hereon in. 17 mph tomorrow, 15 mph on Saturday and 12 mph Sunday, at least where I am!”
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j55honny Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:49 PM EST
“I understand everything you're saying. But I believe that you and other analysts, ie, Johnny Miller, shall compare Tigers's acomplishments to yours. Compare what you have acomplished to his, not to the statistics and numbers. I will love to see your numbers matched to tha of Tiger. About he not aging well, you have to be kidding, he has made every golfer train and loose their guts. He has been a great leader on everything golf has to offer.”
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schlong Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:34 PM EST
“Hey, The Honda is wide open! Should be great next 3 days with the wind. ”
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47 Chev Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:25 PM EST
“Nice take on the bean counting schlong.”
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47 Chev Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:22 PM EST
“Hey Amos...what's happenin'....kid DYNOMITE.....gooffy ol bladetricka. So you work at a course?”
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schlong Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:20 PM EST
“I think that Kelly had a good day today. Not once did she use Tigers' name 10 times in one sentence and again the PGA didn't cancel a tournament just because Tiger wasn't playing in it. If Kelly had her way every tournament would be played with Nick Faldo and Tiger as the last pairing on Sunday. Its a good thing we all live in the real world and we get to watch and experience change in every phase. With gas going from $1.85 to $3.50 in two years and our National debt going to 14 trillion who really cares about Woods and his hundreds of Millions. If he wins or loses it doesn't help pay my bills and rest assured he couldn't give a rip.”
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ripperAZ Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:06 PM EST
“TheBladetrix, wow thanks, just when I thought I had locked up "Fool of the Day" for sure on this thread, you swoop in with a classless personal height reference and steal the prize. Thanks for having my Back”
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47 Chev Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:04 PM EST
“I'm cryin' now....come on Shem, give us a little ma -suga-na ! Haaa...ha.... who the heck would be Shem? ”
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TheBladetrix Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:00 PM EST
“Question: Did anyone see that little 5' 4 Brandel on the Golf Fix Show? DUDE! He swings like he gots some SWEETNESS IN HIM! WOW! THAT'S SCARY.... TIGER BEWARE!!”
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PINE VALLEY BLUES Said on 03/03/2011, at 7:00 PM EST
“ripperAZ , Don't cry!!!! I accept your apology and reasoning, i thought that headcover was named that TOO,and as I mentioned before your posts while often incendiary and over the top are also funny and pointed and it is great when you talked about the matchplay....... just read over whats been going on here and my vote is that it is Mr Chamblee , posts seems consistent and fact based and delivered in his style and we should welcome him here and be civil to him, as most are I just hope the game keeps growing and we don't lose tourneys on either tour due to selfish reasons from either side, as it seems some donate time and $$$ to good charities. The game is always bigger than the people, just my thought”
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47 Chev Said on 03/03/2011, at 6:49 PM EST
“shem ! ....getting better ...Haaa Shem & Schlong - the circumsized Amos and Andy ....I'm speechless! Haaaaa.....Help me Bill....haa”
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47 Chev Said on 03/03/2011, at 6:45 PM EST
“Haaaa ...schlong ! A 4 x2 it Schlong the putz!”
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Shem Said on 03/03/2011, at 6:44 PM EST
“Pls Tiger, the world ain't seen the best of golf in you yet. Don't quiet yet. What the world saw of you till now is just the tip of the ice berg. But Tiger, the key & only way to return to your glory & power of golf is to first put your family in order. Don't listen to any fools out there, drop off everything as they are now, go home & bring your wife & kids together. Restore love, harmony & peace with your wife & kids. After that, I can completely assure you that you will take the world of golf to such a level that nobody will touch or come near you. PLS. BRO, ADHERE THIS ADVICE, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID THE RIGHT THING..!! ”
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ripperAZ Said on 03/03/2011, at 6:37 PM EST
“Yeah folks, I get it.... but to make my excuse completely crazy, I actually thought that the winnie the poo reference "now banned" also referred to that animal headcover of his, and that he called it that. Never made any other connection to anything else, lotsa different colors in my family, but pile on, I deserve it. Winds on all week on FL”
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schlong Said on 03/03/2011, at 6:33 PM EST
“All of you Tiger fans. He'll be back! Do any of you think that he really cares what any of you think! He didn't care what his wife or kids thought so get a life. He's got hundreds of millions and the only thing that hurts him is his ego! Golf was great with him and it will be great without him. Life always goes on and what Tiger does on the Golf course isn't going to change any of your lifes; unless your betting on him. I heard he bought a brothel in Nevada so he should have his addiction taken care of.”
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wkndduffer Said on 03/03/2011, at 6:07 PM EST
“Good point Tadeus. "Tigger" is a terrible moniker. Maybe we should expect better from "Dripper"! I like to read all the comments but can't stand anything that bring racial undertones...intended or not. As for Chamblee, I wonder if tiger sent him some roses for his last sentence in the article. cute. ”
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