추천업소 선택:
추천업소 그룹 리스트
  • 식품ㆍ음식점ㆍ쇼핑1
  • 부동산ㆍ건축ㆍ생활2
  • 미용ㆍ건강ㆍ의료3
  • 자동차ㆍ수리ㆍ운송4
  • 관광ㆍ하숙ㆍ스포츠5
  • 이민ㆍ유학ㆍ학교6
  • 금융ㆍ보험ㆍ모기지7
  • 컴퓨터ㆍ인터넷ㆍ전화8
  • 오락ㆍ유흥ㆍPC방9
  • 법률ㆍ회계ㆍ번역10
  • 꽃ㆍ결혼ㆍ사진11
  • 예술ㆍ광고ㆍ인쇄12
  • 도매ㆍ무역ㆍ장비13
  • 종교ㆍ언론ㆍ단체14
멋진스윙.. 장타를 원하십니까? 오랜경력의 윤프로가 확실하게 책임지도 해드립니다. 647.291.2022
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 4,809 전체: 15,269,337 )
Full swing: Natalie Gulbis

Crossover star It doesn't take a genius to see the big idiosyncrasy in Natalie's swing. The shaft is way across the target line at the top -- pointing to the right -- a position that makes it impossible for most players to be a consistent ball-striker. Only through repetition and tremendous natural ability has Natalie been able to make do with this flaw. But the causes of the flaw are a lot less obvious. Natalie has very little wrist-cock in her takeaway. To compensate for the lack of leverage this creates (combined with the added flexibility she gets from an extra vertebra in her lower back) she over-turns and puts the club and herself in that funky at-the-top position. Even there, though, you can see one aspect of improvement: Her clubface used to be much more closed, which led to either a quick snap-hook if she released her hands or a big block to the right if she held on. The crux of our program is to change her position at the top by getting her to hinge the wrists a little more and move the clubhead before she moves the hands and the handle. Lost in the fuss over what's odd about Natalie's swing are the many things she does well. She has an athletic setup that puts her in a good position to respond to the takeaway. She holds her spine angle beautifully throughout her swing. Best of all is her downswing: Natalie has excellent rotation of the lower body, and her arms match up perfectly with the unwinding of the upper body. The clubhead comes down right on plane (from Natalie's position at the top, the average player would end up with the club stuck too far behind the body) and she arrives at an ideal impact position that she carries through to the finish. The lesson: With talent and hard work, you can excel without the mythical "ideal" swing. Butch Harmon