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2005 WGC - Accenture Match Play Championship

2005 WGC - Accenture Match Play Championship Match Play Set for Classic Match-ups By The Golf Central Newsroom - February 21, 2005 Ever year the mind fills with wonderful possibilities: Vijay vs. Phil; Phil vs. Retief; Retief vs. Vijay; Tiger vs. any of them. But every year, when it comes to these classic match-ups, the WGC-Accenture Match Play proves more tease than truth. This year, however, maybe the tournament will deliver on all of its promise. Because although the season is only seven events old, Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Vijay Singh have accounted for four of those titles. who would have been the No. 3 seed. As player-turned-broadcaster-turned-player Curtis Strange used to say about 72 times a telecast: match play is a different animal. "When you've got (just) 18 holes, anything can happen,"Woods has said. And it usually does. Woods lost to Darren Clarke in the 2000 final, and then fell victim as the No. 1 seed to Peter O'Malley in the first round two years later. He then won the tournament over David Toms in 2003, and did the same over Davis Love III a year ago. Last year's victory was his lone PGA Tour title of the season. And, in a perfect example of match-play quirkiness, he was about one good swing from being bounced once again in the opening round. Woods narrowly escaped No. 64 seed John Rollins on the first day, when Rollins, 1-up through 16 holes, bogeyed the 17th and then truly butchered the 18th to fall 1-down. Match play has the ability to pack more pressure and excitement into a day's play than does stroke play-Day 1 of the Accenture Match Play will be far more exciting than the opening 18 holes at last week's Nissan Open. But it's also more unpredictable than a bounce on Pebble Beach greens. In 2002, the top 3 seeds were ousted in the first round, as Mickelson and David Duval joined Woods on the list of Day 1 casualties at La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, Calif., which will again play host this year. Upsets are more than commonplace in this event ?they are almost expected. That's because there is very little separation of skill between the top 64 or so players in the world ?at least over 18 holes. "Over 18 holes, you know, say I was playing Tiger, if I make a couple of good putts and get momentum going my way, and make a few birdies, anything is possible,"said Kevin Sutherland, who won the six-round tournament in 2002. "Not to say that you can beat Tiger Woods in four rounds, but it's easier to do that in an 18-hole match.?