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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 310 전체: 267,873 )
Sex Scandal로 조그만 교회 박살.(Toronto Star)

사진은 Pastor, 송재갑. 담당 변호사 " 이곳은 교회가 아니고 사교집단이다"라고 선언. 섹스 주장에, 맞고소로 발칵 뒤집힌 Orangeville교회 사태가 그만 두지 않기로 유명한 남한의 미디아 세계를 흔들고 있다. GTA에 있는 한교회에서 발생한 성추행 사건이 태평양건너까지 심한 충격을 주고 있다. 한국의 큰 두 방송국(MBC, SBS)이 이번봄에, 법원의 명령으로 이름을 밝힐수 없는 한교회의 성도들과 리더들이 합세한 성추행으로 벌어진 수많은 고소와 맞고소에 대해 숨쉼틈도 없이 보도를 해대고 있다. 전에 Orangeville에서 그로서리 가게를 했던, 55세의 송재갑씨는 교회를 창립하여 목회자로 활동하면서 여신도 한명에게 부적절한 행동을 하여 캐나다에서 고소를 당하게 됐다. 지난 3월 19일, 전에 같이 교회 생활을 했던 3명의 신도들이 기소를 당하기 직전에 한국으로 떠난후, 다른 3명의 신도가 Finch Ave.W.에 있는 법원에 출두 했었다. 다른 2명의 신도역시 곧 기소될것으로 보인다. 이들은 모두, 죽이겠다고 협박한죄, Sex를 하기위한 마약사용혐의, 집단성폭행 그리고 아이들 포르노를 만든 죄목등을 포함한 100 여개의 증거가 확보된 기소에 직면하고 있는 것이다. 이건을 맡은 법원 판사는 기소된 교회와 희생자들의 신변보호를 이유로 발표를 강하게 금지하고 있다. 한 피해자의 변론을 맡고 있는 Jacqueline An 변호사는 "이것은 사교집단이지, 교회가 아니다" 라고 말하면서, 송씨는 '목회자' 또는 '존경받을'인물이 아니고, GTA와 한국에 지교회까지둔 사교집단의 리더라고 주장하고 있다. 송씨는 현재 계속되는 인터뷰요청을 계속 거절해 오고 있다. 이번 교회의 충격적인 뉴스는 피해자나 희생자들이 한국에서 이곳에 와서, 학생비자를 받아 GTA에 거주하고 있기 때문에 한국에서는 큰 뉴스가 되고 있다는 것이다. Valentine's Day가 지난지 며칠안돼, 한구릅의 기자들이 토론토와 날아와 이사건을 취재하여 한국의 주요일간지에 보도하기 시작했었다. SBS에서 파견된 기자들은 이곳에서 거의 2주간을 머물면서, 송씨가 캘리포니아에 있는 학교(House)로 부터 On-line으로 통신 강의를 받았었다는 조사 내용을 60분짜리 동영상을 제작했었다고 한다. 송씨의 법적인 곤경은, 3명이 전직신도가 캐나다에서 범죄 혐의로 기소를 당할 처지에 놓이면서, 이번달에 더 커지게 된것이다. 그들은 한국의 담당공무원들을 설득하여 그를 기소하는데 성공한 것이다. 기소내용은 Allege mischief, 공갈협박, 감금, 인신공격등이다. 이혐의 내용은 아직까지 법원에서 증명된게 없고, 이곳 캐나다와 한국에서는 아직 초기 조사단계에 머물러 있을 뿐이다. 얼마전까지만 해도 '송'을 둘러싸고 법적소용돌이나 미디아에 보도되는 것은, 그들과는 상관없는일쯤으로 대연하게 신도들은 모닥불에 '마쉬멜로우'를 굽고, 통일된 유니폼을 입고 축구경기를 했었다. 또는 한국의 유행가곡 같은 '생명은 무엇인가?' 와 '나의 첫사랑' 노래를, 모두가 받아 들일수 잇는 감정을 넣어 가면서 부르곤 했었다. 그러나 Valentine's Day를 기점으로 상황은 바뀌기 시작헸었다. 전에 그교회의 신자였던 28세의 여인의 말에 의하면, 그날 송씨는 그녀가 고생하고 있는 피부병에 이상한 증상을 인지했다고 하면서 "당신의 남편은 악귀를 갖고 있다. 그때문에 당신의 피부가 망가져 가고 있는 것이다. 내가 당신을 나체로 볼 필요가 있다" 라고 설명했다는 것이다. 그녀는 그의 반복된 주장에, 나체로 서기를 거부 했었다고 한다. 그러나 결과적으로 그녀는 블라우스를 벗고, 그가 요구한데로 배를 깔고 누웠다고 한다. 그녀의 말에 의하면, 송은 그녀에게 "그렇기 때문에 당신은 남편과의 나쁜 관계를 갖일수 밖에 없는 것이다. 나와 지금 당장 Sex를 하지 않겠느냐?" 라고 송이 주문하자, 그녀는 거절 했었다고 한다. 교회에 출석했었던 또 다른 여인은 '송'씨가 중간에 다른 여인을 시켜서 그와 Sex를 요구했었다고 증언했었읍니다. 그들이 상투적으로 해온 말은 "당신이 나와 Sex를 하면, 당신의 영적 성장이 높아지게 된다" 라는 것이었다고 한다. 28세의 여인의 설명에 의하면, Valentine's Day후에 다른 여신도와 계속적인 Sex를 해온 혐의를 그는 받고 있다는 것이다. 그여인의 말에 의하면, 학생비자로 캐나다에 거주하고 있는 여인에게 나체로 두번씩 Orangevilleb에 있는 편의점을, 벌로 뛰어 다니게 했다는 것이다. 지난 3월에는, 이사건 보도에 충격을 받은 여인의 어머니가, 그녀의 딸을 만나서 생각보다는 심각한 상황이 아니다라는것을 알려주기위해 토로토로 달려 왔었다. 그러나 그딸은 엄마를 보기위해 '송'씨의 집에서 나오기를 거부하여, 할수없이 엄마는 딸과 식사도 제대로 해보지 못하고 다시 한국으로 되돌아간 일도 있었다고, 신도들은 안타까워 합니다. 지난 10년넘게 GTA에서 운영돼온 '송'씨의 교회에 대한 뉴스미디아의 철저한 내막보도는 처음 일어난 일이라고 한다. 이교회는 3년전에 교회신도들이 단체로 유니폼을 입고, 걷기대회에 참석하기 전까지는 한인사회에는 알려지지 않았었다고 한다. 아래 원문기사를 보면 자세한 내용을 볼수 있읍니다. 감사. Sex scandal rocks tiny congregation ‘Cult not church,’ lawyer claims Published On Fri May 14 2010 Pastor Jae-Kap Song in picture. Peter Edwards Staff Reporter Jay Jung The Korea Times Lurid allegations of sexual misconduct at a Greater Toronto Area church have sent shock waves across the Pacific Ocean. Television news crews from South Korea's two largest networks - MBC and SBS - filed breathless reports in the spring about the myriad of charges and countercharges of sexual misconduct involving parishioners and leaders at the house of worship, which cannot be identified because of a court-ordered publication ban. Now, the church's founder, former Orangeville grocer Jae-Kap (Joe) Song, 55, faces charges in Canada of inappropriately touching a female parishioner. On March 19, three former members of his congregation appeared in an Ontario Court of Justice courtroom at Finch Ave. W., while three others from the church had left for South Korea before they could be charged. Another two former members of the church would be charged later in the day. Together, they would face some 100 alleged offences, including threatening death, administering drugs for sex, gang sexual assault and making child pornography. The judge invoked a publication ban on identifying the church and the alleged victims. Jacqueline An, a Toronto lawyer representing one of the accused, refuses to call Song a “pastor” or “reverend,” saying instead that he was the leader of a cult with branches in the GTA and South Korea. “It’s a cult, not a church,” An said. Song has declined repeated requests for interviews. Part of the reason the turmoil at the church is huge news back in South Korean is that most of the accused and alleged victims are from that country, living in the GTA on student visas. Not long after Valentine's Day, teams of South Korean reporters flew to Toronto and began filing stories to major South Korean news outlets. The SBS network kept a team here for almost two weeks to produce a 60 Minutes-style investigation, which stated that Song received his religious credentials via the Internet from a mail-order house in California. Song's legal woes increased this month, when three former members of his congregation — who are facing criminal charges in Canada — successfully pressed authorities in South Korea to lay charges against Song. The South Korean charges against him are for mischief, threatening, forcible confinement and defamation of character. None of the allegations has been proven in court and legal proceedings in Canada and South Korea are still in the early, pre-trial stages. The media and legal maelstrom surrounding Song and his little church is a far cry from just a few months ago, when he and members of his congregation cheerfully roasted marshmallows and played soccer together, dressed up in matching pastel uniforms. Other times, they sang Korean pop tunes like “What is Life?,” “My First Love” and “A Lady” in unison, after changing the lyrics to make them more spiritually acceptable. Things changed forever for Song and his former flock on Valentine’s Day. On that day, says a 28-year-old former member of his church, Song made a strange diagnosis for a skin problem she had been suffering. According to the woman, Song told her: “Your husband’s spirit is very evil. That’s why your skin tone is changing. I need to see your body naked.” She said she refused to strip for him, despite repeated requests. Eventually, she said she removed her blouse and lay on her stomach, as he had requested. She said he then asked her if she ever engaged in anal sex, and she said she answered negatively. “That’s why you’re having such a bad relationship with your husband,” she said he replied. “Why don’t you have sex with me right now?” She said she refused yet again. Other women who attended his congregation also said Song made sexual entreaties toward them through a female intermediary. One of his favourite lines, they said, was: “If you have sex with me, your spiritual level will grow.” Later on Valentine’s Day, according to the 28-year-old, Song accused another female parishioner of being sexually promiscuous. She said Song ordered the other woman, who was in Canada on a student visa, to run naked two times around an Orangeville convenience store as punishment. In March, the mothers of one of Song’s followers who was shaken by the news reports, flew to Toronto to see her daughter and reassure herself that things weren’t as bad as they might have seemed. Her daughter refused to leave Song’s residence to see her, and the mother returned home to South Korea without sharing as much as a meal with her, parishioners said. It's the first time that there has been harsh media scrutiny for Song’s church, which has been in operation in the GTA for a decade. The church wasn’t widely known in the local Korean community until three years ago, when Song and parishioners showed up at a community road race, dressed in matching pastel uniforms, with the girls in soft pink and the boys in white and baby blue. Former church members describe Song as an excellent orator and something of a prophet, who some believed had the power to read minds and predict the future. Some church members were greatly impressed when he was able to pick the first and third-place finishers in a local half-marathon. An, who represents defendant Sang Cheol Lee, 37, of Toronto, accused Song of terrorizing dissidents in his church by persuading female parishioners to make false allegations against them. Others say the pastor often appeared to have sex and not religion on his mind. An noted that about 40 of the 50 parishioners at his church were female, mostly South Koreans on student visas between the ages of 16 and 32. Many of the congregation were in Canada studying theology and traditional Chinese healing. The lurid sex allegations had the effect of driving almost all of the men out of the tiny church. “They’re devastated by the allegations,” An said of the accused men. “They’re horrific. . . . Our Canadian judicial system is being manipulated by this fellow (Song).” An said she recently visited Seoul to help prepare her case, where she said she was inundated with requests for interviews. She said she discovered that an offshoot of the church with about 30 members had been established in South Korea. For her part, one 28-year-old parishioner said she initially kept quiet about Song’s bizarre Valentine’s Day behaviour. “I was so shaken I didn’t tell anybody,” she said in an interview, through a Korean-language interpreter. “I was ashamed to.” She said that it wasn’t the first time Song had made a strange sexual advance toward her. According to the woman, Song approached her in December 2009 after her husband went to South Korea for a funeral, and said, “Your mother-in-law’s evil spirit is upon you. . . . Let’s pray.” Then he said that her genitals must be itchy because of evil spirits, and said he would pray for them, saying, “I’m going to fix it for you.” On Feb. 21, according to former parishioners, Song gathered together eight or nine male parishioners at an apartment unit in Orangeville. The gathering included the six men who would later be charged with sexual assault. According to the former parishioners, Song told the assembled men: “Gang sex has happened in our church, brothers and sisters. Among you are guys who did gang sex to sisters.” According to some men at the meeting, the accused men were stunned and denied the accusation, volunteering to take DNA tests to prove they hadn’t done anything wrong. Song sloughed off their offer of DNA testing, then went forward to police with his gang rape accusation, some of the accused men said. Nowadays, the pastor and accused members of his flock are all out on bail, awaiting court dates. Meanwhile, Song’s church has dwindled to just a dozen members, less than a quarter of its size before Valentine’s Day while An said the South Korean branch of the church has withered. An said it’s easily the most bizarre case in her 12-year legal career. Her defence strategy will include bringing in experts on cults when the court case finally begins, she said. “I feel like I'm in a movie. . . a horrifying, nasty movie,” she said.