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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 82 전체: 267,645 )
야생오리,펜트하우스 콘도에 둥지 틀고....
Duck makes nest on penthouse condo patio
야생 오리가 다운타운 펜트하우스 콘도에 둥지를 틀고, 4개의 알을 낳아 품고 있다고 한다.
온타리오 아름다운 호숫가에 있는 7층 콘도의 발코니에 놓여 있는 화분에 예쁜 오리가 날아와 둥지를 튼것이다. 두명의 자녀와 두명의 손자를 둔 노부부는 토요일 꽃을 심을려고 놓아둔 화분에 2개의 알이 있는것을 보고, 지나쳤으나, 일요일 외출에서 돌아와 보니 예쁜 한쌍의 오리가 4개의 알을 품고 있는것을 보았다고 한다.
오리들은 보통 땅위 아니면 나무밑둥옆에 둥지를 틀지만, 나무 위에는 틀지 않는다고 한다.
관계자들의 생각으로는, 옆의 토론토섬의 비행장등에서 발생하는 굉음으로 부터 신변의 두려움을 느껴, 이곳까지 오게 되지 않았겠는가?라고 추리 하기도 했다.
노부부는, 며칠후 태어나게될 오리새끼들이 물놀이를 할수 있도록 조금만 풀장과,그곳에 쉽게 올라갈수 있도록 계단까지 한셋트 구입할 생각이라고 좋아했읍니다.
May 12, 2008 04:30 AM
Call her the Mother's Day mallard.
Whether clever or just daffy, one beautiful bird has made her home seven storeys up in a lakefrontndo roof planter-laying four shiny eggs for the day reserved especially for mom.
Ane Christensen and hubby John McClusky, who own the downtown Toronto townhouse condo, were amazed to discover they weren't empty nesters anymore.
"Why would a duck fly seven floors up in the air to build a nest?" asked Christensen, who has two children and two grandchildren. "It's just so strange, and it's not duckling friendly."
Christensen spotted two lonely eggs in the garden box Saturday, when she went to plant herbs. Not sure if they were abandoned, she returned Sunday to find four eggs and two mallards, in duckie love.
It's less a bird-brained choice than one might think: Sirens and whistles to scare fowl at the nearby Island Airport make the bird sanctuary next door a less-than-ideal nesting spot.
Lee Oliver, a spokesperson for the Toronto Humane Society, agreed the mallard's choice was somewhat unusual. "Ducks normally nest on the ground or next to a tree – but not in the tree," he said.
"But it's also not surprising, because they'll look for a place where the nest will be warm. The seventh floor is a place where they'll get a lot of sunlight."
Still, Christensen and McClusky fret the nest won't be home sweet home when the babies hatch.
"I don't know how she's planning to do this, but she must have fallen in love with the condo," she said.
The duo plan to purchase a kiddie pool and build a ramp down to the floor for the arriving little quackers.
But the couple hopes a concerned group with proper expertise will come to the family's assistance.
"It really would be fun to raise ducks," Christensen said, "but I'm sure our neighbours wouldn't want their decks to become poop decks."