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호남향우회 (토론토)
전화: 647-981-0404
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전화: 6476245886
4065 Chesswood Drive Toronto, ON
럭키조경 & 나무자르기
전화: 647-564-8383
4699 Keele St. Unit 218 Toronto, ON
토론토 기쁨이 충만한 교회
전화: 416-663-9191
1100 Petrolia Rd Toronto, ON
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전화: 416-909-7070
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한인 시니어 탁구협회
전화: 647-209-8933
1100 Petrolia Rd Toronto, ON
골프 싱글로 가는길
전화: 647-291-2020
115 York Blvd Richmond Hill Toronto, ON
토론토 민박 전문집
전화: 416-802-5560
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변호사 정찬수 법률사무소
전화: +82 2-536-1144
서울특별시 서초구 서초동 Toronto, ON
최고의 POS시스템 - 스마트 디지탈 POS
전화: 416-909-7070
놀부 - 한식/일식/중식
전화: 416-221-4700
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It would be a place where all the visitors including me share the life stories and experiences through their activities,especially on life as a immigrant.
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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 62 전체: 267,481 )
9/11 테러주범용의자, 마침내 공격주범임을 고백
9/11테러주범 용의자 마침내 공격주범임을 고백
와싱턴( AP) 9월 11
일,월드트레이드 센터
의 테러공격의 주모자
로 주목되고 있던 "칼
리드 쉐익 모하메드"
가 공격을 주도 했음
을 고백하고, 다른 비
슷한 테러공격 행위도
주도 했음을, 큐바의
관타나모 군사법정에
서 고백했다고 미국방
성이 발표한 내용이
밝히고 있다.
모하메드는,9/11 공격
을 위해 재정,목표물
을 폭파시키기위한 훈
련,그리고 1993년에
있었던 월드트레이드
센터의 폭파와 신발속
에 폭약을 숨겨 대서
양횡단 비행기에 탑승
하여 폭발 시키려 했
던 폭파범 리차드 리
드의 폭파계획을 주도
했다고 고백했다.
결국 모하메드는, 거
사가 실행돼지않은것
을 포함하여 29건의
폭파계획에 대한 책임
이 자기에게 있다고
말했다. 그의 고백내
용은 미국방성이 발표
한 26페이지에 달하는
발표문속에서 확인됐
자세한 내용은 아래
이상 CNN 인터넷기사
9/11 Mastermind
Confesses to Attacks
Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, the
suspected mastermind
of the Sept. 11
attacks, confessed
to that attack and a
string of others
during a military
hearing at
Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, according to a
transcript released
Wednesday by the
Mohammed claimed
responsibility for
planning, financing,
and training others
for bombings ranging
from the 1993 attack
at the World Trade
Center to the
attempt by would-be
shoe bomber Richard
Reid to blow up a
flight with
explosives hidden in
his shoes.
In all, Mohammed
said he was
responsible for
planning 29
individual attacks,
including many that
were never executed.
The comments were
included in a
26-page transcript
released by the
Pentagon, which also
blacked out some of
his remarks.
The Pentagon also
released transcripts
of the hearings of
Abu Faraj al-Libi
and Ramzi
Binalshibh is
suspected of helping
Mohammed with the
Sept. 11, 2001,
attack plan and is
also linked to a
foiled plot to crash
aircraft into
London's Heathrow
Airport. Al-Libi is
a Libyan who
masterminded two
bombings 11 days
apart in Pakistan in
December 2003 that
targeted President
Pervez Musharraf for
his support of the
U.S.-led war on
The hearings, which
began last Friday,
are being conducted
in secret by the
military as it tries
to determine whether
14 alleged terrorist
leaders should be
declared "enemy
combatants" who can
be held indefinitely
and prosecuted by
military tribunals.
Hearings for six of
the 14 have already
been held. The
military is not
allowing reporters
to attend the
sessions and is
limiting the
information it
provides about them,
arguing that it
wants to prevent
information from
being disclosed.
The 14 were moved in
September from a
secret CIA prison
network to the
prison at the U.S.
naval base at
Guantanamo Bay,
where about 385 men
are being held on
suspicion of links
to al-Qaida or the
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