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전화: 416-663-9191
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놀부 - 한식/일식/중식
전화: 416-221-4700
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전화: 416-226-2624
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전화: 416-226-5999
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전화: 905-824-2141
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럭키조경 & 나무자르기
전화: 647-564-8383
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전화: 6476245886
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전화: +82 2-536-1144
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전화: 416-938-8323
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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 57 전체: 267,476 )
고정된 온주 선거일 변경된다. 종교적 이유때문에....
지정된 온주 선거일자 변경할수 밖에....
온타리오 정부는 주의원 선거일자를 변경하게 된다.
온주 정부는 닥아오는 주의회선거일자를 약속데로 지키지 못하
고 변경해야만 될 압력에 직면했다.
토론토- 온주 정부는 닥아오는 온주의회선거일을 당초 약속한데
로 지키지 못하고 변경 해야만 될 압력에 직면했다.
온주의 지정된 날자에 치러질 첫번째 선거일은 닥아오는 10월 4
일로 확정돼 있었다. 그러나 정부 당국자는 말하기를, 확정된
선거일자는 종교적 휴가날자와 겹쳐, 10월 4일로 확정된 날로
부터 1주일 뒤로 미루어 10월10일에 유권자들은 투표장에 나가
야 한다고 발표했다.
연방-주정부관계 담당장관 Marie Bountrogianni씨가 발표한 성
명서에 의하면 "우리의 선거법은 온타리오 주민들의 필요에 맞추
는것이 매우 중요한 것이다. 우리 온주의 지정된 선거일자의 골
격은 다양한 종교적, 문화적 형편에 맞추어 시행될수 있도록 고
안된 것이다" 라고 설명했다.
온주 선거법에 의하면, 온주 선거일은 매 4년째 되는 10월 첫째
목요일에 투표하게 되여 있다. 그러나 온주 선거관리 위원장은,
오는 10월 4일은 유태인 할리데이인,Shemini Atzeret 이기 때
문에, 닥아오는 선거 일자는 변경돼야 좋을것이라고 의견을 피력
했다. 유태인 정교회원들은 이날 선거에 참여 할수 없게된다, 라
고 Ms Bountrogianni 씨는 말했다.
달튼 맥귄티 온주 수상은 2005년 12월에 선거법 개정을 해서,
각정당들은 더이상 선거날자 조정을 두고, 손익을 따지게 될 이
유가 없게 됐었다. 한편, 유권자들은 목요일에 시행되는 3곳의
온주내 보궐선거에 나가게 된다.
주= 지키지도 못할 법은 심심해서 개정했나?
어느 종교단체의 압력에 온주민전체를 대표한 의회의원들
개정한 선거법을 임의로 변경하다니..... 쯧쯧.
Ontario government changes election date
The Ontario government was forced today to break a
promise over when it will hold the next provincial election
Globe and Mail Update
TORONTO ― The Ontario government was forced today to
break a promise over when it will hold the next provincial
The date had been set in stone for Oct. 4, which was to
mark the province's first fixed election date. But the
government said voters will now go to the polls a week
later, on Oct. 10, because the initial date conflicts with a
religious holiday.
"It is important that our Election Act respond to the needs
of Ontarians," Marie Bountrogianni, Minister of
Intergovernmental Affairs, said in a statement. "Our fixed
election date framework was designed with the flexibility
to accommodate our cultural and religious diversity."
Under the province's Election Act, the general election is to
be held the first Thursday in October every four years. But
the province's Chief Election Officer recommended that the
date for the next election be changed because Oct. 4 is
the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret. Members of the
Orthodox Jewish community would not be able to vote
that date, Ms. Bountrogianni said.
Premier Dalton McGuinty's government said it amended
the Election Act in December, 2005 so that partisan
considerations would no longer control the selection of
election dates.
Meanwhile, voters will head to the polls Thursday in three
by-elections in the province.
Tuesday, Mr. McGuinty, whose government is fighting to
hang on to one Liberal stronghold, changed his tune on
the minimum wage for the working poor.
The New Democratic Party's campaign to boost the
minimum wage to $10 an hour has become the key issue
in York South-Weston, a hard-scrabble Toronto riding
where the average household income is the second lowest
in Ontario. The campaign has picked up considerable
traction and that has the Liberals worried.
But instead of attacking the NDP, the Liberals have
decided to join them. On Friday, Laura Albanese, 49, an
Italian-language news anchor for OMNI TV and the riding's
Liberal candidate, issued a flyer saying, "Fighting for a fair
minimum wage."
York South-Weston, in the northwest end of Toronto, is
one of three by-elections being held tomorrow to fill seats
vacated by MPPs who retired or jumped to municipal
Joe Cordiano, a former cabinet minister in the McGuinty
government, resigned from York South-Weston in
September after 21 years at Queen's Park. Liberal
backbencher Tony Wong resigned his seat in Markham and
is now a municipal councillor. And Cam Jackson, a
Progressive Conservative MPP for 20 years, left his seat in
Burlington to make a successful run for mayor of the city.
A government source told The Globe and Mail that both
York South-Weston and Markham are "in play." Losing
York South-Weston to the NDP would be a blow for the
Liberals, who won 61.6 per cent of the votes in the last
provincial election. The Tories are expected to hang on to
"I'm not going to speculate on the outcome," Mr. McGuinty
told reporters Tuesday. "We're just working as hard as we
In York South-Weston, the New Democrats have tapped
into a deep vein of anger over the 25-per-cent pay rise
the McGuinty government awarded MPPs just before
Christmas. Their increase has become entangled with the
province's minimum wage, which rose 25 cents to $8 an
hour on Feb. 1.
"If politicians can give themselves a 25-per-cent raise and
the Premier himself can take $40,000 into his own back
pocket four days before Christmas, then surely the lowest
paid working people deserve a bigger raise as well," said
Paul Ferreira, the NDP candidate, who is 34.
In a brief interview after a rally in the riding Saturday, Mr.
McGuinty said both the Liberals and the NDP called for an
$8 minimum wage during the 2003 election campaign.
"We've done that," he said. "The only issue now is what's
the best way to get to $10."
While the Liberals are now saying it is just a matter of time
before the minimum wage rises to $10, they rejected the
NDP campaign in December, arguing that many employers
can not afford it.
In Burlington, a fast-growing city of 150,000 people, the
Liberals are hoping to gain on the Tories, who won 46 per
cent of the votes in 2003. Liberal candidate Joan
Lougheed, a 55-year-old nurse and former city councillor,
is running against Tory candidate Joyce Savoline, 61, who
was chairwoman of Halton Region for 12 years. Both
women were instantly recognized by many residents as
they campaigned around the city on Monday.
"Joyce Savoline! I know you!," Merna Dack, a resident of a
seniors apartment building, exclaimed. "It's terrible that
you and Joan are running against each other."
Both Ms. Lougheed and Ms. Savoline said they would push
for improvements at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital if
elected. But no one seemed much interested in talking
about the hospital, the traffic gridlock or other issues.
Ms. Lougheed braved the bitter cold by going door to door
on Delaware Avenue, where both seniors and young
families live in the pretty houses. There is no answer at
most of the doors, but at the very last house, Ms.
Lougheed was thrilled when Jane Riccardi opened her
"You've got my vote," Ms. Riccardi said. "I think you're
doing a great job."