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노르웨이-지구상에서 제일 살기좋은나라

유엔에서 선정한 제일 좋은 나라로 노르웨이가 선정됐다. Norway tops UN list of best countries Associated Press Oslo — The United Nations ranked Norway as the best country to live in for a sixth consecutive year Thursday, prompting its aid minister to tell Norwegians to stop whining about wanting more. 오슬로- 지구상에서 제일 살기 좋은 나라로,6년째 연속, 노르웨이가 다시 선정됐는데,목요일 발표됐다. 노르웨이 국민들은 더 많은것을 요굿하는 내용의 불평은 좀 자제 했으면 한다고 노르웨이의 관계장관이 국민들에게 유엔의 선정을 예로 들면서 말했다. Canada ranked sixth on the index. 캐나다는 6번째로 좋은 나라로 선정됐다. Oil-rich Norway, with its generous welfare state, topped the UN Development Program's human development index, based on such criteria as life expectancy, education and income. 원유가 풍부하고, 사회 복지가 잘된 노르웨이가, 인간의 수명, 교육 그리고 수입면에 우선 순위를 두고 유엔산하 개발위원회가 조사한 자료에 근거한것이라고 한다. Iceland was No. 2, followed by Australia, Ireland, Sweden, Canada, Japan and the United States. 아이슬랜드가 두번째로, 그다음으로 오스트랄리아, 아이랜드, 스웨덴, 캐나다, 일본 그리고 미국순으로 이어진다. Despite wealth, high levels of education, low unemployment, and an economic boom, Norwegians often complain of high taxes and of weaknesses in their cradle-to-grave welfare state, such as waiting lists at hospitals and a shortage of public care for both children and the elderly. 부자나라에, 고등교육을 실시하고, 실업율이 낮고,그리고 경제적 붐이 계속되고 있는데도, 노르웨이국민들은 요람에서 무덤까지, 즉 병원에서 진룐받기위해 대기하는 기간과 어린아이와 노인들에 대한 보살핌같은 사회 보장제도같은것들이 점점 악화되고, 세금은 더 높아지는것에 노르웨이국민들은 불평을 하곤 한다. “There are unsolved problems in Norway, but let us battle this culture of whining, and look at the future with optimism,” Aid Minister Erik Solheim was quoted as saying in an interview with the Norwegian news agency NTB. Mr. Solheim said instead of complaining, Norwegians should work on solving those problems, and to share their wealth with poorer countries. Norway is already one of the world's most generous foreign aid donors per capita, giving nearly one per cent of its gross national product. “The top place should make us show humility,” said Mr. Solheim in the NTB interview. “Norway should be seen as a modern, rich and successful society, but should also be seen as a generous country. The world must see us as rich and generous, not rich and miserly.” Norway, a country of 4.6 million people, is the world's third-largest oil exporter, after Saudi Arabia. The five countries with the lowest scores were Guinea-Bissau in 173rd place, Burkina Faso as 174, Mali as 175, Sierra Leone as 176, and Niger 177. The report was unable to rank 17 countries, such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, because there was insufficient data. According to the study, Norwegians earn 40 times more than the study's lowest- ranked country, Niger, live almost twice as long, and have nearly five times the literacy rate.