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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 45 전체: 267,464 )
사담 후세인 운명 내일(일요일)결정, 사형언도 예측.
이락의 정부 지도자들은 사담후세인은 자기가 저지른 죄가에 상당하는 재판 결과를 보게 될 것이라고 예견.
판결을 앞둔 이락의 바그다드 도시를 비롯한 주변에는 통행 금지가 발표.
이락수상은 후세인에 대한 평결은 그가 저지른 죄가에 합당하는 결과로 이루어질것이라고 말했다.(11월 4일 2006년, 6시21분 동부시간)
Iraq's leader: I hope Saddam gets what he deserves
POSTED: 6:21 p.m. EST, November 4, 2006
Story Highlights• Open-ended curfew to be imposed in and around Baghdad on Sunday
• Iraq's PM says he hopes Hussein verdict "will be what this man deserves"
바그다드, 이락(CNN)이락국민들은 사담후세인의 전쟁범죄에 해한 일요일에 결정날 판사의 판결(아마도 사형판결)을 초조히 기다리고 있다.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq is bracing for judges to give their verdict -- and a possible death sentence -- to Saddam Hussein at the end of his war crimes trial on Sunday.
Stiff curfews will be imposed on Baghdad and two provinces from 6 a.m. as officials try to prevent any violent reaction to the trial.
철저한 통행금지가 바그다드시와 인근 2개의 주에 걸쳐 아침 6시부터 시행되여, 판결에 대한 소요를 철저히 막을것이라고 한다.
All people and vehicles will be banned from the streets of the capital and Salaheddin and Diyala provinces, and Baghdad International Airport will also be shut down until further notice, the Iraqi prime minister's office told CNN.
바그다듯히와 인근 살라해딘과 디얄라지방의 모든 통행인과 차량들의 통행이 금지되고, 바그다드의 국제공항도 별도 통지가 있을때까지 폐쇄된다고 이락 수상실의 보좌관이 CNN과의 통화에서 밝혔다.
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said he wanted the trial to deliver justice to the former president.
누리 알 말리키 수상은 사담후세인 전 대통령에 대한 법의 심판이 정의에 입각해서 판결되여지기를 바란다고 심정을 피력했다.
"I hope the verdict will be what this man deserves for what he committed against the Iraqi people," he said during a meeting with tribal leaders Saturday.
"나는 희망하기를 이번 평결이 그가 이락 국민들에 대해 저지른 만행에 대한 대가를 공정하게 받게 될것으로 믿는다"라고 이번 재판에 관련된 인사들과의 회동에서 밝혔다.
"Therefore the Iraqi people will express their joy in the way they see appropriate; we will call on them in an address tomorrow to remain calm and show constraint and express this joy in an appropriate manner that suit this nations' challenges."
"그렇게 됨으로써 이락국민들은 적법한 방법으로 이루어진 판결에 대한 그쁨을 표출하게 될것으로 본다. 우리는 내일 국민들에게 조용히 지켜봐 달라는 연설을 하고, 우리 국민들이 이러한 심각한 국면에 처했을때 적절한 태도와 관심으로 기쁨을 나타내자고 말할것이라고 심경을 피력"
Hussein and seven other defendants will file into the courtroom in Baghdad on Sunday to receive their sentences from a five-judge panel.
후세인을 비롯한 다른 전범7명은 일요일에 5명의 판사들로 구성된 법원에서 판결을 받기위한 마지막 서류를 제출하게 된다고 한다.
Hussein's verdict and sentence -- which could be death by hanging for crimes against humanity -- is expected to be announced last.
후세인의 평결과 판결이 - 인간의 존엄성에 반해 저지른 범죄로 교수형을 당하게될서으로 추정 - 맨 마지막 순서로 발표된것으로 예측된다.
좀더 자세한 내용은 아래 원문을 참조 하시면 됩니다.
The defendants are on trial for crimes stemming from a brutal crackdown against citizens in the town of Dujail after an attempt on Hussein's life in 1982.
People were jailed and tortured, and the government is suspected of ordering the execution of 148 people.
On Friday, attorneys for Hussein and other defendants sent a letter to the presiding judge asking that the verdicts and sentencing be postponed 60 days. The letter accuses the court of trying to politicize the proceedings by announcing a verdict before Tuesday's U.S. midterm elections.
More violence in Baghdad
In the hours before the curfew came into effect, continued violence hit in and around the capital. Eleven civilians and an Iraqi reporter were killed on Saturday, and 27 bodies were found in Baghdad, police told CNN.
Six people were killed and 20 wounded when two mortar rounds landed on a crowded area near Abu Hanifa mosque in the Adhamiya Sunni neighborhood in northern Baghdad, police said.
Two people died and five were wounded when gunmen opened fire on civilians in the Hiteen neighborhood of western Baghdad, and two civilians died and five were wounded in a car bomb near Sadr City.
South of Baghdad, in the Babil province town of Mahmoudiya, a civilian was killed and three others were wounded in a car bombing.
Also, police said they found 27 bullet-riddled bodies in various Baghdad neighborhoods over the past 24 hours or so.
Gunmen shot and killed a reporter in a Sunni neighborhood in northern Baghdad, sources told CNN.
Ahmed al-Rasheed, a reporter with al-Sharqiya, an Iraqi satellite TV channel, was killed in Adhamiya around 6:30 p.m. Friday, according to an official with the Iraqi Journalistic Freedoms Observatory and a station spokesman.
The al-Sharqiya official said the reporter was in his car when he was killed. Al-Rasheed, 29, started working at the station in September. He previously worked with al-Diyar TV.
Rocket fired at military base
A rocket launched by "rogue elements of militias" missed a coalition military base in the southern Iraqi city of Basra Saturday, British military spokesman, Maj. Charlie Burbridge said, quoting Iraqi policemen on the scene.
Four Russian specialists were reportedly wounded in the attack and are scheduled to return to Moscow Sunday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, according to Russia's Interfax news agency.
In an earlier report, Burbridge said two Russians and an Iraqi colleague working for an electricity company were killed as a result of indirect fire that was intended to hit the base in northern Basra. Interfax did not mention the Iraqi colleague in their report.
Coalition forces have experienced a gradual increase in the number of rocket attacks -- up from 12 per month to 16, Burbridge said.
Sadr City raided
U.S. and Iraqi forces raided Baghdad's Sadr City and arrested three suspected members of an illegal armed group blamed for murdering and kidnapping Iraqi citizens and security forces Saturday, the U.S. military said.
The raid sparked a gun battle involving rocket-propelled grenades from "hostile elements" as the troops were leaving the area with the cell's leader and two of its members.
"Iraqi forces returned fire at clearly identified targets to neutralize the threat and continued their return to base," the military said.
There were no reports of Iraqi forces of coalition casualties, but the military did not say if any militants or civilians had been wounded.
The raid comes shortly after U.S. forces cordoned off the city and launched a massive hunt for a missing U.S. soldier believed to be held captive there.
The Iraq government later ordered the removal of the military checkpoints around the densely populated Shiite area, a stronghold of the Mehdi Army loyal to Shiite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.
The recent hostilities in Sadr City and the surrounding areas involving the militia are thought to be due to sectarian strife.
U.S. and Iraqi forces raided western Baghdad's Jihad district and arrested nine suspected members of an illegal armed group blamed for building car and roadside bombs used in attacks on Iraqi citizens and security forces Friday, the U.S. military said Saturday.
The military said two of the suspects also helped train other militants to build car and roadside bombs.
There were no reports of Iraqi or coalition casualties, but the military did not say whether any militants or civilians had been killed or wounded.
CNN's Jomana Karadsheh and Mohammed Tawfeeq contributed to this report.