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북한 2번째 핵실험 준비중인것으로 추측-미관리 언급

아래의 기사는 오늘자 CNN 인터넷 머리기사입니다(10월 17일자) 한국을 걱정하는 모든 한인들에게 세계의 움직임을 이해하는데 도뭉이 됐으면 합니다. 감사. U.S. officials: N. Korea may be planning 2nd nuclear test POSTED: 9:38 p.m. EDT, October 17, 2006 Story Highlights?NEW: U.S. envoy: 2nd nuke test would be 'belligerent answer' to world 미관리 언급 - 2번째 핵실험을 하겠다는것은, 북한이 얼마나 호전적인 집단인가를 전세계에 대답하는셈이라고 해석. ?NEW: U.S. sees possible signs of preparation for second nuclear test ?North Korea says U.N. sanctions 'declaration of war' ?U.S. officials say China is inspecting trucks bound for North Korea 유엔의 이북에 대한 경제 동결은, 북한에 대한 전쟁으로 선언으로 간주한다고 발표. 한편 미고위 관계자는, 중국이 이북으로 향하는 모든 화물차에 대한 검색을 실시중에 있다고 발표 했다. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea may be preparing to conduct a second nuclear test, a U.S. official with access to intelligence information said Tuesday. 와싱턴발 - 극비정보를 담당하는 미국의 관리가, 북한은 지금 2번째 핵실험을 시행할 준비를 하고 있다고 발표했다. The official says that activity at a second nuclear site in North Korea is looking very similar to activity seen at another site just before the October 9 nuclear test. 이번 2번째 핵실험을 실시할 장소로 보이는 곳에서, 10월9일에 핵실험을 실시할때 나타났던 비슷한 징후들이 보였다고 이관리는 전했다. The official said buildings and other structures are being fabricated at this second site, possibly in an effort to hide activities from spy satellites. 이관리는 또 언급하기를, 2번째 실시에 관련된 빌딩과 구조물들이 지금 정교하게 위장되고 있는데 이는 미국의 첩보위성으로 부터 활동상황를 피하기 위한게 틀림없다 라고 전했다. "It would not be unreasonable to assume the North Koreans are planning a second test," White House press secretary Tony Snow said Tuesday. 백악관 대변인 토니 스노우씨는 "북한이 2번째 핵실험을 준비하고 있는것이 확실한것이라고 돌려서 애기했다. The intelligence official said there were also reports of statements from senior North Korean military officials saying that the government intended to conduct multiple tests. 정보관련 관계자는, 북한의 고위군당국자들이 발표한 성명문에서 북한당국은 여러차례 핵실험을 할 계획에 있다 라고 보도되고 있다고 전했다. Activity was also being seen at the site of the confirmed nuclear test, the official said. It is not clear if that activity is cleanup, maintenance or just wrapping up the testing there. 이러한 징후는 핵실험이 실시됐던곳으로 보이는 장소에서도 타나나고 있다고 이관계자는 전했다. 이러한 행동은 핵실험후의 청소작업인지? 실험을 마친후의 마지막 마감작업이거나, 시설 관리를 위한것인지는 확실하게 밝혀지지는 않고 있다. Earlier, government officials in South Korea and Japan said intelligence information pointed to a possible second test. 앞서 한국과 일본의 정부 관리들은 극비 정보를 인용하여, 2번째 핵실험 징후가 있다고 지적한바 있다. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said in Seoul, South Korea, that another test of a nuclear device would be regarded as North Korea thumbing its nose at the world. 미국의 국무부 차관보 크리스토퍼 힐씨는 한국의 서울에서 말하기를, 또다른 핵실험을 북한이 실시 할려고 하는 행동은, 전세계를 향해서 콧대를 세우는 짖이라고 해석했다. "I think we will all regard a second test as a very belligerent answer on North Korea's part to the international community, and I think the international community will have no choice but to respond very clearly to the DPRK [North Korea] on this," Hill said as he left talks with South Korea's top nuclear envoy. "북한의 2번째 핵실험 실시는, 북한이 국제 사회에 대해 대단히 호전적인 집단인것으로 간주될것이고, 전세계는 이를 좌시하지않고, 단호한 응징이 뒤따를것이다'라고, 힐차관은 한국측 핵관련 관리와 회담을 마치고 나오면서 이같이 언급했다. Pyongyang on Tuesday called the United Nations sanctions resolution approved after the first test a "declaration of war." North Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency that the country wanted "peace but is not afraid of war." The U.N. Security Council resolution "cannot be construed otherwise than a declaration of a war against the DPRK [North Korea] because it was based on the scenario of the U.S. keen to destroy the socialist system," according to a Foreign Ministry spokesman quoted by KCNA. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday the Korean peninsula could still become a nuclear-free area. "We have no desire to see this crisis escalate," Rice said. "In fact, it is our goal to see a de-escalation of this, despite North Korea's actions. But North Korea now needs to understand that the international community has spoken. "The international community has said that it is unacceptable for North Korea to have a nuclear program, that denuclearization of the Korean peninsula remains the goal of the international community." (Watch Rice warn North Korea -- 1:32 ) The secretary's comments were made en route to East Asia. China to inspect shipments Rice is traveling to Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing to consult with leaders in those capitals in a drive to persuade them to strictly enforce the U.N. sanctions against Pyongyang approved unanimously by the Security Council. Earlier in the day, Chinese U.N. ambassador Wang Guangya said his country would inspect cargo bound for and coming out of North Korea. That contradicts statements he made Saturday, hours after the resolution passed, that his country would find it politically difficult to conduct such inspections. China is North Korea's biggest trading partner. "But inspections is different from interception and interdiction," he clarified Monday. "I think in that area that different countries will do it in different ways." Nicholas Burns, undersecretary for political affairs, said the United States had received reports that Chinese officials were inspecting cargo in trucks along its 800-mile border with North Korea on Monday. Burns said Australia also announced that it was barring North Korean ships from its ports, and Japan was mulling further measures. The Security Council resolution, which passed by a vote of 15-0 Sunday, was in response to North Korea's claim that it had tested a nuclear device last week. (Full story) The measure forbids trade between U.N. member states and North Korea in material that may be used for nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction and high-end military equipment. It requires Pyongyang not to conduct further nuclear tests or launch ballistic missiles, and it demands that the country abandon all weapons of mass destruction programs. The resolution also includes a ban on "trade and luxury goods," requires member states to freeze the assets of North Korean entities and individuals, and calls for inspections of cargo traveling from and to North Korea to search for items that may be used in a nuclear or other WMD program.(Resolution text) Burns said the measure has "real teeth." "These are very tough sanctions, they're among the toughest ever imposed on any country by the United Nations," he said. "And we hope they will convince the North Koreans to recalculate the cost and benefits of what they're trying to do, developing a nuclear weapons program." U.S. confirms test An analysis of air samples collected shortly after North Korea declared it had conducted the test confirms it took place, according to the office of the U.S. director of national intelligence. The analysis detected radioactive debris, indicating the explosive yield was less than one kiloton, said a statement from John Negroponte's office. That is relatively small for a nuclear test. The first air sample collected after Pyongyang's announcement last week contained no radioactive debris, but a second one did.