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이스라엘 대통령, 재판에 회부될 운명
Rape charge recommended for Israeli president
POSTED: 5:25 a.m. EDT, October 16, 2006
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Police in Israel are recommending that the country's president be charged with rape and other crimes against several women, a police announcement said.
예루살렘(CNN) - 이스라엘 경찰은 이스라엘 대통령을 여러명의 여성들에 대해 저지른 강간과 범죄행위를 물어 기소를 심각히 고려중이라고,
이스라엘 경찰이 발표했다.
Police issued a statement Sunday announcing that they have asked Attorney General Menahem Mazuz to charge Israeli President Moshe Katsav with rape, indecent assault and sexual harassment of an undisclosed number of women.
일요일날 경찰은 발표하기를, 검찰총장, 메나흠 마주즈에게 이스라엘 대통령 모세 캇사브를 아직 밝혀지지 않은 상당수의 여성을 상대로 성학대, 모욕, 그리고 강간을 저지른 죄에 대해 기소할것을 주문했다고 발표한것이다.
좀더 자세한 내용은 아래 원문을 참조하면 좋을것입니다.
이상은 10월 15일자 CNN 기사내용입니다.
Investigators also have evidence that Katsav illegally pardoned people convicted of crimes and conducted illegal wire-taps, the statement said. (Watch how the scandal is likely to end a career -- 2:18 )
The investigation of Katsav continues into other charges that he harassed a witness and obstructed justice, the statement said.
Mazuz will make the final decision on whether to put the president on trial.
On Monday, Katsav skipped the opening ceremony of the winter session of parliament, The Associated Press reported.
Katsav's brother, Lior, said the president would stay home to protect the dignity of the Knesset, or parliament. In his largely symbolic post, Katsav is responsible for presiding over such ceremonies, the AP said.
A previous president and several prime ministers have been suspected of financial misdeeds and a former defense minister was convicted of sexual harassment. But the charges facing Katsav would be the most serious criminal counts brought against a serving Israeli official.
The investigation of Katsav began earlier this year after a former employee alleged he forced her to have sex under the threat of dismissal. Police repeatedly questioned Katsav at his official residence and seized personal documents.
Katsav has denied wrongdoing and his lawyer has said that he is the victim of blackmail.
Katsav was appointed president by parliament in 2000, after President Ezer Weizman resigned amid allegations of corruption.
The Israeli president's role is mostly ceremonial, but Razi Barkai, a political journalist for more than 30 years, told CNN these accusations, true or not, will mean an end to Katsav's political career.
News of a possible presidential sex scandal, which was overshadowed when it broke during Israel's war with Hezbollah, has recently become the focus of national media coverage.