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It would be a place where all the visitors including me share the life stories and experiences through their activities,especially on life as a immigrant.
Why don't you visit my personal blog:
Many thanks.
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 3 전체: 267,422 )
To survive from robber's shooting to death.
아래 글은 오늘 Queens Park 에서 궐기 대회후, 온주 수상 Dalton Mcquinty 와 보건 장관의 인터뷰 기사를 보고, 그들이 우리의 진짜 고충을 파악하지 못하고 있는것을 보면서, 보수당 정책위원회에 보낸 나 개인의 사신입니다. 많은 교민들이, 참석한것을 같이 보면서, 목이 터저라 외쳐댄 구호들이 지금도 뇌리에서 생생합니다. 밑 하단에 오늘 온주수상과 관련장관의 인터뷰 기사도 곁들였읍니다. 건투하소서.
Corner store owners from my community have rallied today in front of Queen's Park to protest and deliver our vital messages to survive and get protection from crimes being happened everyday in the stores due to hight taxes of tobacco products which are major items in store.
But according to news media on that demonstration, Premier and health minister keep saying there is no concerns of tax reduces which was not our main issue to protest.
Our main goal was to get protection store operators' safety from robberies who sometimes shoot the store operators to death while doing robberies or break-ins. And want for Liberal government to cut the route contraband cigarettes being sold in the society with cheap prices from black market. In simple words two concerns for our survive. First our safety in store from crimes including rebberies and destroy the contraband black markets. That's it.
We are entirely opened from those crimes.
Today one of cabinet ministers has said after our protest that store owners must put the security cameras in stores that's the only way to be safe from crimes. He(the minister) was totally wrong with this issue.
Every store has put the security system including camera since long time ago. The problem is
when crimes including robberies happened with shooting, it's too late to save life.
I believe the best way for this protection is that Queen Park must legislate the act that shows minimum jail terms or simmilar rules on crimes and crimes killing innocent store operators must be put death penalty or life time jail term. Because of this brutal crimes in stores, store insurance's premium has been jumping so high but compensation has been reduced, so nowadays many store owners have ingnored reporting robberies and losts fearing premium increase when buy insurances. We are really at brinks to collapse and exhausted from this crimes and everynight we are serving customers with fear of rebberies who with guns and break-ins during the nights.
Please help us before too late. I as a member of your party beg you to act right away.
Many thanks. Paul Lee
POSTED AT 1:41 PM EDT ON 18/04/06
McGuinty rules out Ontario tax cut on tobacco
Canadian Press
Toronto — Premier Dalton McGuinty said Tuesday that Ontario will not cut tobacco taxes, despite complaints from store owners that the province's anti-smoking strategy is leading to more robberies.
The Ontario Korean Businessmen's Association is planning a demonstration at the legislature to complain about crimes its members believe are caused by increased cigarette taxes.
"Ontario's convenience stores, thousands of which are run by Korean Canadians, are being pushed to the brink of bankruptcy by this government's anti-small business policies," association spokesman Sonny Cho told the crowd, some of whom held signs indicating that they were from London, Hamilton, Windsor, Newmarket and other communities.
Mr. Cho said the Liberals' policies have saddled convenience stores with up to $20,000 in direct and indirect costs due to lost sales and higher insurance rates to cover potential robberies.
Although Mr. Cho said his members support the broader goal of eliminating tobacco use, he said transitional assistance should be given to convenience store owners to help them stay in business as further government measures cut cigarette sales.
But Mr. McGuinty said Ontario is committed to maintaining taxes on tobacco at the national average.
He said cigarette sales in Ontario are down 10 per cent since the Liberals came to power three years ago, which he calls “a good thing from a health perspective.”
The Progressive Conservatives, however, said Mr. McGuinty should not take credit for a drop in cigarette sales and warned that higher taxes are creating a bigger black market for tobacco.
Community Safety Minister Monte Kwinter said convenience store owners should make sure they have cameras and other security systems to better protect themselves.
But Mr. Kwinter said it is not practical to lower the taxes on cigarettes just to combat crime.