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캐나다 대법"혼성섹스 클럽의 손 들어주다"

Supreme Court swings in favour of group-sex clubs 대법은 구룹섹스 클럽의 주장에 손을 들어 주었다. Swingers couple Sylvain and Katline, who would not give their last names, kiss after reacting to the Supreme Court of Canada ruling on swingers clubs Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005, in Montreal. 가족의 성은 밝히지 않고, 배우자를 바꾸어 섹스를 즐기는, 실베인과 캐틀린 부부가 몬트리얼에서 12월 21일, 수요일, 배우자 바꾸어 바꾸어 즐기는 클럽에 대한 대법의 판결에 키스로 그반응을 나타냈다고 한다. Swingers clubs which feature consenting adults cavorting in twosomes, threesomes and or groups, are legal according the Supreme Court. 대법 판결에 의하면, 성인들이 2명씩, 3명씩 또는 구룹으로 섹스를 하는,배우자 바꾸기 클럽은 합법적이라고 한다. Published: December 21, 2005 OTTAWA - Swingers clubs that feature group sex and partner-swapping are legal because they cause society no harm, the Supreme Court of Canada said Wednesday in a ruling that rewrote the definition of indecency. 오타와 - 캐나다 대법은 수요일,구룹섹스와 배우자 바꾸기를 하는 스윙거 클럽은 사회적으로 아무런 해가 되지 않기 때문에 합법적이라는 판결을 내림으로서 "추잡한 행위"의 정의를 다시쓰고 말았다. The 7-2 majority said the new determining factor will be whether the sexual behaviour in question causes harm, replacing the previous yardstick that the act must offend community standards of tolerance. 7-2의 합의로, 이러한 문제가된 섹스 행위는 위해를 주는지의 여파를 새로 결정 함으로서, 어디까지가 우리사회의 윤리기준을 어긴 행동인가라는 종래의 잣대를 바꾸어 치우고 말았다. "Moral views, even if strongly held, do not suffice," wrote Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin. "비록 강하게 의견이 유지됐다해도, 행동규범면에서는 만족하지 않다"라고 대법원장 비벌리 멕클린씨는 판결문을 썼다. "As members of a diverse society, we must be prepared to tolerate conduct of which we disapprove." "복잡하게 얽혀져있는 사회의 구성원들이기에, 우리가 옳다고 할수 없는것들에 대한 아량도 우리는 준비해야만 한다"라고 했다. In a biting dissent, justices Louis LeBel and Michel Bastarache accused the majority of turning their backs on public morality and the established legal order. Furthermore, the majority decision could lead to "anti-social behaviour," they wrote. 반대하는 소수의견을 강하게 내비친 루이스 레벨, 메첼 바스타라체 판사는, 다수의견을 낸 판사들은 공중도덕에 등을 돌리면서, 동시에 추잡한 행동에 합법적인 명령을 내렸다고 비난했읍니다. 더군다나 이러한 다수의 결정은 반사회적 행동규범으로 이끌어 갈수도 있다 라고 소수의견을 썼다. "This new harm-based approach strips of all relevance the social values that the Canadian community as a whole believes should be protected," said the lengthy dissent. "The explicit sexual acts performed in the accused’s establishments clearly offended the Canadian community standard of tolerance." The ruling, which legal experts described as a liberal move, overturned the conviction of Montrealer Jean-Paul Lebaye. He was fined $2,500 for running a "common bawdy house" for the "practice of acts of indecency" after police busted his club, L’Orage, six years ago. Lebaye said Wednesday he will celebrate his victory by perhaps adding a swimming pool or jacuzzi for his hundreds of members, some of whom helped foot his legal bill. At L’Orage, members joined for about $200 a year after completing an admission interview, and they paid a separate fee per visit. To gain entry to the group-sex room on the club’s third floor, members punched an access code on to a key pad, according to court records. "Consensual conduct behind code-locked doors can hardly be supposed to jeopardize a society as vigorous and tolerant as Canadian society," wrote McLachlin. "No one was pressured to have sex, paid for sex, or treated as a mere sexual object for the gratification of others." The court also released a ruling in a companion case, giving a seal of approval to the defunct Coeur a Corps swingers club in Montreal. At that establishment, the rules were less strict. Members were merely questioned at the door before being admitted. The group sex took place behind a thin black curtain on the club’s main floor. "This is a liberating judgment," said Lucie Joncas, lawyer for former Coeur a Corps operator James Kouri. "One impact that this decision will have is that some who were in the closet are going to come out and have official clubs." The Supreme Court decision settles conflicting rulings in the Quebec Court of Appeal, one that sided with Kouri and the other that convicted Lebaye. There are about 400 listed swingers club in North America, about 35 of which are in Canada, according to the North American Swing Club Association. They exist in almost every major Canadian city from Halifax to Vancouver. Club president Robert McGinley, of Buena Park, Calif., said there are hundreds more unofficial clubs in private homes. "This is a very forward, very interesting decision," he said, adding that swingers clubs in the U.S. have operated hassle-free. "I don’t think people should be made criminals because of their legitimate sexual exploration." The ruling will mean a break for gay bath houses, predicted Joseph Arvay, a lawyer for the B.C. Civil Liberties Association. "It certainly indicates to me that gay bath houses never have to be worried anymore about being harassed or prosecuted under the law," he said. "Certainly gay bath houses have been more targeted than heterosexual places. They operate, but every once in a while they get busted." The Supreme Court has struggled since 1962 to define indecency, in the absence of a definition in the Criminal Code. The new test replaces the unworkable measure of community standards, which is simply too subjective, the court said. The majority noted that group-sex clubs pose a risk of sexually transmitted diseases, but concluded that the potential harm is not related to indecency. The Supreme Court, although not specific about what types of sexual behaviour would remain criminal under the revamped indecency test, said courts must consider whether it causes psychological harm, degradation, or victimization. Montreal lawyer Julius Grey said harmful behaviour would still include such things as sex with minors, sex with violence, and degrading acts like sex with a dead body 몬트리얼 변호사 그레이씨는, 미성년자와 섹스하는것, 범죄성이 있는 섹스, 그리고 시체와 섹스하는 더러운 행위들은 아직도 사회에 해악을 끼치는 행위로 간주된다고 설명했읍니다. Several Canadian swing club owners lauded the ruling, including the owners of Toronto’s Wicked Club, who praised the Supreme Court for "staying out of the bedrooms of Canadians." 캐나디언들의 안방행동에 손대지 말라는 대법의 판결에 찬사를 보낸, 토론토의 "사악한자들의 클럽"의 주인들을 포함한,여러개의 배우자 바꾸기 클럽 주인들은 이번 판결에 환호성을 보냈었다. 이상은 오늘자 National Post지의 기사입니다. 앞으로 아이들앞에 부모로써 어떻게 처신해야하고 가정을 지켜야 할지, 사회적 윤리의 깨짐과 이로인한 범죄의 증가를 어떻게 감당해야할지, 사회구조조직은 상식밖으로 자꾸만 흘러 갑니다그려. 사회 지도층은 손벽을 치는 심정으로 지켜만 보고 있고.....