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북한 경수로 건설계획 없던 일로....
U.S. partners terminate North Korean reactor project
미국을 포함한 북한 경수로 건설 참가국 계획 철수.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 Posted at 3:26 AM EST
Associated Press
New York — North Korea's demand that it be given light-water nuclear reactors before it would open up to atomic inspections and disarmament got a sharp rebuff as the partners in an energy consortium agreed with U.S. policy and terminated the reactor-building project.
뉴욕 - 북한이 핵무기개발 포기와 조사를 받기전에 먼저 경수로 건설을 주장해 오던 북한의 요구가 미국을 포함한 콘서시움 참가국들에 의해 없었던 일로 하기로 합의함에 따라, 심한 곤경에 처하게 됐다.
It took almost two years for Washington to wear down the resistance of its partners in the New York-based Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization, with South Korea finally giving up the partly built light-water reactor last summer. Japan and the European Union had already sided with the U.S. “no carrot” policy.
남한 정부가 북한에 경수로를 건설해 주자는 주장을 최종적으로 지난 여름에 포기케 함으로써, 뉴욕에 본부를 둔 한반도 에너지개발 계획조직에 참여한 국가들의 저항을 무마 시키는데는 와싱턴 당국이 거의 2년 이상의 긴 시간을 소비해야 했다. 콘서시움 참가국인 일본과 유럽연합은 "당근정책"은 없을 것이라는 미국정책에 오래전부터 같이 해오고 있었다.
On Tuesday, the executive board of KEDO concluded a two-day private meeting, and the U.S., South Korean, Japanese and EU delegates issued no formal statement.
화요일에,KEDO 이사회는 2일간의 비공개 회의를 마쳤으나, 미국,남한, 일본 그리고 유럽연합 대표들의 공식적인 성명문 발표는 없었다.
But on his way out of the building's New York office, U.S. Ambassador Joseph DiTrani said the KEDO partners had reached consensus on the “termination” of the light-water reactor project, KEDO spokesman Brian Kremer confirmed.
그러나 미국대표 죠셉 디 트라니씨는 그의 뉴욕 사무실 건물을 나오면서, KEDO 참가국대표들이 북한 경수로 건설계획의 취소에 동의 했음을 설명했고, KEDO 대변인 브라이언 크리머씨도 이를 확인 했었다.
The decade-old light-water reactor project had been mothballed for the last two years, kept barely alive in case North Korea showed signs of resuming International Atomic Energy Agency inspections and liquidating its ambitious self-proclaimed nuclear weapons program.
10년이 넘게 진행되온 경수로 건설계획은, 북한에 대한 국제 원자력협회의 감시 재게와 핵무기확보야망의 선포를 무산화 시키려는 케이스에 걸려 겨우 명목만 유지 하고 있었기 때문에 지난 2년간 아무활동이 없었다.
But with a Nov. 30 deadline looming on major contracts underlying the $4.6-billion (U.S.) project -- notably to the prime South Korean contractor, Korean Electric Power Co. (KEPCO) -- time, money and political will had all evaporated.
46억 달러에 달하는 경수로 건설프로젝트에 대한 주요 계약자들과의 계약 만료가 11월 30 일로 적용되는것으로 간주됨에 따라 - 남한의 한국전력회사가 주요계약자 - 시간, 돈, 그리고 정치적 계산은 모두 수포로 돌아갔다.
Only last week, at a summit of Asian and Pacific leaders in South Korea, U.S. President George W. Bush said: “We'll consider the light-water reactor at the appropriate time. The appropriate time is after they have verifiably given up their nuclear weapons, and/or program.”
지난주 한국에서 주최됐던 APEC 정상회담에서 미국 대통령 부시는 " 우리는 경수로 건설추진은 적절한 시기가 되면은 재개할것을 고려중인데, 그적절한 시기는 그들(북한당국)이 핵무기 개발계획을 포기한것을 여러각도에서 보여준연후가 될것이다" 라고 못박았었다.
The decision comes at a particularly delicate moment in the fitful series of six-nation talks aimed at disarming North Korea. The fifth round of talks among the two Koreas, the United States, Russian, China and Japan ended Nov. 11 without signs of major progress.
이러한 결정은 북한의 핵무기 개발 야욕을 포기 시키기위한 치고받는 6자회담이 진행되고있는 미묘한 시기에 나왔다는 점이다. 5차회담은 남 북한을 포함한 미국, 러시아,중국 그리고 일본이 회담에서 아무런 진전이 없이 11월 11일에 끝났었다.
Charles Kartman, the American who was executive director of KEDO from 2001 until this August, when the Bush administration pushed him into retirement, said North Korea must have anticipated KEDO's demise.
부시 행정부의 압력으로 금년 8월에 사임하기까지 2001년도 부터 KEDO의 책임을 맡았던 찰스 카트만씨는 북한은 KEDO의 이러한 결정을 예측해 왔었을것이 틀림없다고 언급했다.
“There's no surprise here for North Korea. They've been setting up their obstacles” for weeks and in September had revived their demand for the reactors, Mr. Kartman said.
"북한으로서는 전연 놀랄일이 아니다. 그들은 그렇게 자신들의 무덤을 지난 몇주동안 만들어 왔었다. 그리고 지난 9월에도 경수로 건설을 요구해 왔었다"라고 전했읍니다.
At the end of the fourth round of six-way talks in September, North Korea pledged in principle to disarm but maintained that it would need light-water reactors to provide electricity beforehand. Fulfilling that demand would postpone effective disarmament for several years.
Meanwhile, North Korea says it is escalating its nuclear weapons development program, the problem that spiked both Korean crises in recent years -- in 1993-1994 and again in 2002 through today.
A shutdown of the Yongbyon research reactor in 1989 and reactor slowdowns in 1990-1991 are believed to have yielded enough plutonium to build two or three bombs, a situation that the Clinton administration considered so threatening that it brought the United States and North Korea close to war in 1994.
Robert Gallucci, the special ambassador who negotiated the U.S.-North Korean deal that led to the KEDO program, has said the United States feared in the 1990s that if Yongbyon is finished it could churn out enough plutonium to make up to 30 nuclear weapons a year.
A 1994 bilateral nuclear inspection accord and deal to build two monitored light-water reactors cooled tensions and led to the KEDO project.
Last May, North Korea's Foreign Ministry said the country had the ability to harvest still more weapons-grade plutonium and “bolster its nuclear arsenal.”
“You have to assume the North Koreans have weaponized the plutonium,” Mr. Kartman said.
Under the agreement that formed the KEDO project, North Korea was to abandon nuclear weapons development and allow access by IAEA inspectors, in exchange for 500,000 tons of heavy fuel oil annually from the United States to meet its energy shortage until it got the two light-water atomic power plants, built and paid for primarily by South Korea and Japan, with some EU funding.
The program was frozen in 2002 after the United States claimed North Korea had embarked on a second, secret highly enriched uranium weapons-development program, and said that North Korea had unexpectedly confirmed it in private talks. Evidence to back the claim has never been publicly disclosed.
Mr. Kartman believes that the Bush administration was determined to abolish the 1994 bilateral U.S.-North Korea accord, known as the Agreed Framework, and KEDO along with it, so “everything was thrown off the back of the sled.”
Communications channels were in place that could have allowed the United States to bring North Korea into talks about the highly enriched uranium program in 2002 rather than adopt an overly confrontational tone, Mr. Kartman said.
“In my mind, the right thing to have done in 2002 was to go back to the North Koreans and ask them if they wanted to preserve the Agreed Framework,” Mr. Kartman said, but the United States pursued what he called the “clumsy” strategy of direct confrontation.
Mr. Bush named North Korea, along with Iraq and Iran, as the triumvirate of the “axis of evil” in his State of the Union speech in 2002.
부시 대통령은 그의 2002년도 연두교서에서, 북한을 이락, 이란과 같은 범주에 포함시켜, "악의 축"이라고 불렀다.
이제는 북한의 김정일 Regime 이, 이건을 핑계삼아, 남한의 좌파 정권이 적극적으로 협조하지 않아 발생한 북한 죽이기 작전이라고 몰아 부치면서,남한의 좌파 정권의 목을 바짝 조이면서 더많은 요구사항을 들이대겠지요? 남한의 좌파 정권은 그들의 죄상이 폭로될까봐 전전긍긍하면서, 또 다른 방법을 찾아 김정일 비위를 맟추기에 혈안이 되겠군요. 참..
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