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남쪽, 회담에 앞서 북쪽에 쌀5십만톤 지원 한다.
남쪽은 핵회담에 앞서 북쪽에 원조 하기로 합의했다. 7월 12일 5:41.
South Korea agrees on aid to North ahead of nuclear talksTuesday, July 12, 2005 Updated at 5:41 AM EDT
Associated Press
서울- 남측은 화요일, 북측이 핵무기개발저지개획을 위한 회담참가의 보이코트를 철회한다고 발표한후, 경제적 협력을 서로 약속한후, 쌀 500,000 톤을 북쪽에 원조해 주기로 북쪽과 합의 했다고 발표 했다.
이번 원조는, 핵무기개발계획 포기를 위한 회담을 북측의 반대로 1년이상이나 끌어온것을 협상테이블에 나오도록 남측에서 북측 공산정권에 인센티브를 주겠다고 약속한것과는 별도로, 양측이 밤을 세워 회담을 갖인후 화요일 이른 아침에 전격 합의된 것이다.
미국무장관 콘돌리사 라이스는 화요일, 북측이 핵무기 개발야심을 버렸다고 증거를 보여 주지않는한, 회담을 또 실패할것이라고 경고했다.
일본외무장관 나부다카 마치무라와 도쿄에서 회담을 갖인후, 그녀는 말하기를" 우리가 필요로 하는것은 북측이 핵무기개발 계획을 완전히 포기했다는 북측의 전략적인 결정이 필요한것이다. 이러한 결정이 없는한, 이번 회담은 성공할수 없다" 라고 설명했다.
평양측은 미국의 특사와 중국 베이징에서 회담을 갖인후, 7월 25일경에 핵무기회담에 다시 참가할것이라고, 지난주말에 발표 했었다.
한편, 2004년 6월 회담을 끝으로 답보상태에 있던 핵무기회담에 북측의 참가를 종용하기위해 남측은 여러가지 현실적인 원조계획을 북측에 제의해 왔었다고 한다.
이상은 오늘자 Globe and Mail 지의 특종뉴스를 일부 옮긴것이다.
상세한 내용은 아래 원본기사를 참조 하시면 됩니다.
지금까지 해왔던 북측의 전례를 볼때, 회담에 앞서 필요한것 다 받아먹어 실속을 챙긴후, 정작 회담에 임했을때는, 알맹이 없은 공허한 헛소리와 시간만 낭비하게될 북측의 작전에 남한이 다시 말려 들어 가는것을 멀리서 보면서, 안타깝기만 합니다. 이러한 결과를 이미 예측한 미국무장관 라이스 여사는 북측의 완전한 핵포기 각서를 보장받지 않는한 이번 회담도 실패할것이다 라고 강력 경고하고 있는것을 보게됩니다. 부디 미국을 비롯한 맹방이 서로 한 목소리를 내어 회담장에 다시 얼굴을 내미는 북측의 핵무기개발포기 계획을 이번에는 완전히 보장 받기를 기대합니다.
Seoul — South Korea agreed on Tuesday to provide North Korea with 500,000 tons of rice aid as the countries vowed to boost economic ties after the North announced it would end its boycott of nuclear disarmament talks.
The aid agreed to early Tuesday after all-night talks between the divided Koreas is separate from incentives the South has offered the communist North to lure it back to the international arms negotiations it has refused to attend for more than a year.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday the nuclear talks will fail unless North Korea is committed to abandoning its nuclear weapons.
“What we really need is a strategic decision on the part of the North that they are indeed ready to give up their nuclear weapons program,” Ms. Rice told reporters after the meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura in Tokyo. “Without that, these talks cannot be successful.”
Pyongyang said over the weekend it would return to the nuclear talks the week of July 25, after a meeting with the top U.S. nuclear envoy in Beijing.
Seoul has prepared a significant aid proposal for the North if it returns to the arms negotiations, which were last held in June, 2004.
South Korea revealed Tuesday that it offered energy aid to impoverished North Korea as an incentive to encourage it to return to nuclear disarmament talks set to reconvene this month after more than a year of deadlock.
Unification Minister Chung Dong-young said South Korea would provide electricity to the North if it agrees to give up nuclear weapons at the revived six-nation arms talks. South Korean officials had previously refused to give details of the aid proposal, which apparently pushed the North to agree over the weekend to end its boycott of the nuclear negotiations.
Opposition parties have called for transparency in dealings with the North -- especially after revelations in recent years of secret payments to Pyongyang ahead of a 2000 summit between leaders of the two Koreas that paved the way to reconciliation.
Ms. Rice was scheduled to arrive Tuesday evening in Seoul and was expected to discuss the revived nuclear arms talks at a Wednesday meeting with Mr. Roh.
Later this week, the chief nuclear negotiators from Japan, South Korea and the United States will meet in Seoul to co-ordinate strategy for the next round of arms talks, the South Korean Foreign Ministry said.
Also Tuesday, a Chinese special envoy, State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan, arrived in North Korea, the North's official Korean Central News Agency reported. Mr. Tang is on a goodwill trip as President Hu Jintao's personal representative.
At the close early Tuesday of inter-Korean economic talks, the two sides agreed that the South would give the North raw materials to help it produce clothes, shoes and soap for internal consumption by its impoverished population. In return, the South will be given investment rights in North Korean mining operations for zinc, magnesite and coal, the sides said in a joint statement.
The North and South also agreed to conduct a pilot run in October of reconnected railroad links across their heavily armed border and hold an opening ceremony for restored roads.
Official contacts between the Koreas -- which still technically remain at war -- resumed in May following a break for 10 months when the North was angered by mass defections to the South.
U.S. officials have insisted the United States wouldn't offer any new incentives to North Korea to persuade it to abandon its nuclear weapons -- saying they were still waiting for a response to a proposal made last year at the arms talks, which also include China, Japan, Russia and South Korea.
The United States has said it will give economic incentives and diplomatic recognition to the North only after the communist nation reveals all its nuclear facilities and allows international inspectors to verify they have been dismantled.
Ms. Rice on Tuesday expressed no objections to South Korea's rice donation, saying the gesture will not undercut the U.S. negotiating position heading into the six-party talks.
She said South Korea was responding to “miserable conditions” in North Korea and noted that the United States itself in recent days offered 50,000 tons of food aid to the communist country.