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남한 정부는 하루전에 있었던 이북의 미사일 시험 발사에 대한 논평에서,크게 신경쓸 가치가 없는것이라고 말하면서, 이시험은 단거리 미사일로서 핵탄두 장착이 불가능하고, 이사건을 이북의 핵보유욕과 연결 짖는것은 적절치 않다고 발표했다.
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북한의 핵보유야욕을 정지시키기 위한 주변 6개국회담 - 미국, 남한, 북한,중국,일본, 러시아 - 은 지난해 6월 이후로 열리지 못하고 있는 상태다. 남한 당국은 이북의 핵실험임박에 대한 어떤 가능성도 감지하지 않았다고 발표했다.
이상은 오늘자(5월2일) Globe and Mail 지의 기사 내용중 일부입니다.
어제 발표한 미국당국의 북한에 대한 미사일 발사비난 기사에 대한 남한 당국의 대응기사로 여겨지는군요. 남한 외교부의 송차관 발표가 가슴을 답답하게 만들고 있음을 느끼는 것은 나만이 느끼는점일까요?
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South Korea plays down missile test by the NorthMonday, May 2, 2005 Updated at 4:00 AM EST
Associated Press
Seoul — The South Korean government Monday played down the significance of a North Korean missile test the day before, saying it involved a short-range missile without nuclear capabilities and warning against linking the issue to a dispute over the North's atomic ambitions.
North Korea apparently test fired a missile into the Sea of Japan on Sunday, raising new fears about Pyongyang's nuclear intentions just days after a U.S. intelligence official said the secretive state could arm a missile with a nuclear warhead.
“The missile that North Korea recently fired is a short-range missile and is far from the one that can carry a nuclear weapon,” deputy foreign minister Song Min-soon told South Korea's Yonhap news agency. “This isn't a case to be linked to the nuclear dispute.”
Concerning reports that Washington warned allies that Pyongyang might be ready to carry out an underground nuclear test as early as June, Mr. Song said South Korea had not received such a warning. Mr. Song is South Korea's top envoy to the nuclear dispute.
Six-country talks — involving the United States, the two Koreas, Russia, China and Japan — aimed at persuading North Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions have been stalled since June.
South Korean officials have said they have not detected any signs that Pyongyang is preparing for a nuclear test.
News of the launch first appeared in Japanese media, which cited U.S. military officials as having informed the Japanese and South Korean governments of Sunday's test, which took the missile 105 kilometres off the North Korean coast.
Later, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card said there was an apparent test.
“It appears that there was a test of a short-range missile by the North Koreans and it landed in the Sea of Japan. We're not surprised by this,” Mr. Card said on CNN's Late Edition. “The North Koreans have tested their missiles before. They've had some failures.”
In Japan, a Defence Agency official said on condition of anonymity Monday that Tokyo believes the missile only flew an extremely short distance and would not pose an immediate threat to Japan's national security.
The missile is believed to be a Russian-made SS21 with a range of 120 kilometres, or an upgraded version of the Silkworm, which has a 100-kilometre range, Japan's national Asahi newspaper said.