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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 154 전체: 252,304 )
A very expensive forum.

A very expensive forum hosted by ACDPU eastern branch of Canada Hi, Mr. Chang, we had snow storm during the last night that accumulated over 20 Cm in Toronto. The news report on snow storm reported this morning that we had more than 260 car crashes in Toronto area including satellite cities. On top of that car crashes caused by snow storm, I have very bad news again on ACDPU eastern branch of Canada that the branch president and his close members made a false invoice to take money out of account to use for their own sake, reporting that ACDPU branch have published a book of forum on the theme of reunification of Korean peninsula held last year November. The speakers of that forum were the experts from universities in North America according to the forum hosts that publics had hardly known of speakers. Anyway today's news report says this with false publication of it, even commenced yet. At this moment, HQ and Eastern branch of Canada of ACDPU are being reported that they are playing pingpong on the issue of this scandal, saying each other it is your fault,not from us. Now HQ of ACDPU in Seoul has recollected money that would have been consumed by the president of eastern branch if it were not appeared on the surface of news reports. Seeing this inner fight, I felt pitty on thsoe dumbs. Mr. Chang, can you believe that the president of eastern branch of ACDPU of Canada spent the amount of $ 200,000 CDN which was supplied by the HQ of ACDPU in Seoul fully for a few hours of forum. In spite of that, the hosts of forum collected entrance fees from audiences who were mostly Koreans who filled only just half of arena and another half was empty. They should've opened doors for everybody who had a concern on issue of reunification of Korean peninsula. Some audiences attended that forum said only a ample of speakers knew the situation of peninsula, but others were not. Questions on how organizers for forum selected the speakers arose after attended the forum at that time , I was told. Not only me, but many concerned people on the forum had said it would be the most expensive gethering for nobody but themselves,I mean, the hosts from the ACDPU eastern branch of Canada. I believe this is the result of bad operation of ACDPU everywhere including Toronto. As I had mentioned earlier letter on how the members of ACDPU of branch were selected,and who they are, it is nothing but wasting tax payer's money and pushed Koreans in communities abroad divided deeply into two part, not unification that was slogan of ACDPU. As long as I have known about the president of ACDPU of eastern branch of Canada, he has never got any full time jobs or own business like many ordinary koreans immigrated do for survive except worked as real estate broker for a short period of time once. I believe you know what kind of job of brokers would be. The majority think that job with negative,except the brokers who have devoted themselves fully with sincerity for a long time whom people as customers could be counted on. On this mass, Koreans including you and me must criticize the Government harshly on neglect of control of crown agencies that ACDPU is one of them. What ACDPU has done for reunification of Korean peninsula since it's operation commenced. How much Koreans in and out of Korea have put in a melting pot which is desire and hope for unification because of ACDPU in operation. As ordinary koreans abroad including me have lamented for a long time seeing this mismanagement of ACDPU abroad from very first time. Mr. Chang, why don't you as a volunteer group who have been working so hard to get Korea to be known to world operating VANK make protest against the Government's policy for unification including the mismanagement of ACDPU. I have now seen Korea, my motherland is getting closer to be unified with red colors not the system we hoped for long time, democratic society. I am sorry for you to see this mass. But this is the only choice I can do now for Korea, my motherland. Many thanks. Paul Lee.