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ACDPU is abused by members and smeared images of Korea

Subject: ACDPU is abused by members and smeared images of Hi, Mr. Chang, it's Paul Lee again. Today what I am writing is not good news but terible news for everybody as koreans living in and out Korean peninsula. That is the scandal of ACDPU (The Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification) branch in Toronto, Canada. As you may have known about ACDPU, it is a organization in and out of Korea to help or get information to get closer for reunification of Korean peninsula that has been divided since Korean war. But this organization has been abused by it's members from HQ in Seoul or branches abroad and officers as diplomats also who involved selecting candidates of ACDPU members, particularly in abroad which is easy to dodge government's decree or control in operations. One of this evidence was happened a few days ago in Eastern branch of Canada in Toronto that was the brawl erupted between the president and secretary of ACDPU Toronto branch. They fought like enemy each other wielding knife on the issue of budget practice that was tax payers money distributed by the government through the HQ of ACDPU in Seoul. The most of Korean originated people have worked hard to root in deep at a new land to build their nests for future. So they didn't have any chances to look around for other purposes. But there are some people who have not worked hard. Instead they have tried to have connections with officers as diplomats at embssy or consulates for their names and own sake which can be connected with main land Korea for their future references. Seeing this incident, the brawl has been a kind of problem of explosion hidden from the begining of ACDPU operation abroad. In the private sector, the board of directors names the president and chief executive officer, whose role is to run the company and answer to the board. If shareholders don't think board is acting sufficiently in their interests, they can throw directors out. The government's case is different, in that the ultimate shareholders are the Koreans, and their delegates are members of National Assembly and cabinet ministers in Seoul in particular. But like shareholders in private companies, the cabinet has the power to hire or fire the directors including the board's chair. It has an obligation to the public to appoint the best, most qualified person to be the directors of the crown agencies like ACDPU. It has a duty to use a process that is competency-based, professional and transparent, to quote guidelines. But officers as diplomats in abroad including Toronto have not done that way, I believe, but they chose other way to name the best qualified candidates for ACDPU since they were surrounded by the chain of people who is looking for this kind of fruit having connections with them. The majority of hard working people in Toronto have hardly contacted by consulates, who may have more constructive ideas for unification of two Koreas and help. If they, I mean, officers at embassy or consulates have tried hard to contact people who has stayed on right track for future, it would have been avoided this tragedy before contact those ugly persons for the jobs of ACDPU Toront branch. As long as I have known about the president of ACDPU of Toronto branch, He has never got any permanent jobs or own business through his life as a immigrant except being a real estate broker for a short period of time that you can imagine what kind of job is that well. And this conspiracy is a product as the result of combined behaviour done by HQ of ACDPU in Seoul and embassy or consulates abroad in choosing members, I mean, poor jobs. In the name of unification of peninsula, they wasted tax payers money a lot for nothing, but smears the images of Korea that has been built under the efforts of hard working Korean immigrants abroad. The president and secretary of ACDPU of Eastern Canada will appear in front of the judge at a court to show again their dirty tricks. I feel shame on this mass. I really appreciate you guys working for VANK so hard to get Korea, my motherland to be known by world beautifully spending your own money to cover the expenses. Officers related on this mass should be reprimended harshly and the operation of ACDPU in and out of Korea must be overhaulded, the sooner the better to get people together again which has diveded because of this dirty activities done by not hard working people and officers as diplomats dispatched abroad with high pay expecting good work for country, my motherland. Another thing I am worrying about is that the volunteers working for VANK should not be influenced by this shameful tragedy and disappointed in the future, but keep continuing their routine volunteer job for Korea be known to world. I am personally with you always. Many thanks. Paul Lee. ---------------------------------