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CIA Director, "이북의 핵무기확장" 확인

이북의 핵무기확장능력이 발전을 거듭했고, 생화학 무기 개발계획도 하고 있다 라고 언급했읍니다. 와싱턴 (CNN)--3년전 부시행정부에 의해 북한이 "악의 축"중의 하나라고 명명된 이후 이북의 핵무장 능력은 많이 확장되여왔다"라고 미상원 정보관련 위원회에서 CIA Director 포터 고스씨가 증언했다. "한두개 정도의 핵무기를 제조할수 있는 양의 플루토늄을 생산했다는 이북의 핵개발 계획에 대한 평가를, 2002년도 1월달에 CIA 가 발표한 평가서를 인용하면서 "북한의 핵무기 보유 능력은 이평가서에서 발표된것보다 훨씬 큰 능력을 그들은 개발해 확보하고 있다는것이 이번에 작성한 평가서 내용이다" 라고 Goss씨는 증언했다. "다른 말로 표현 한다면, 그때 이후로 계속증가해 왔다" 라는 뜻입니다. CIA Director 로 인준된 이후 처음으로 공식석상에 나타난 그는" 더이상의 자세한 내용은 비밀취급으로 분류되 있어, 여기서는 말할수 없다"라고 잘랐다. 소위원회에서 발표한 그의 발표문 서두에서, 알카에다 테러조직( 오사마 빈 라덴, 알자와히리 가 두목임)을 포함한 여러 국제적인 테러 조직이 미국에 대한 큰 위협으로 남아 있다 라고 전했다. 또 Goss 씨는 평양이 주력하고 있는 스커드 미사일과 노동미사일을 지적하면서, 발리스틱 미사일의 사정거리를 개량시켜, 생산,배치, 판매행위를 이북은 계속하고 있다. 또한 이북은, 리비아 같은 고정 고객이 이북과의 거래를 중단한 상태에서, 발리스틱 미사일 개발 기술을 판매하기위한 새로운 고객찾기에도 열중하고 있다 라고 말했다. 미국의 CIA 는 "이북이 생화학 무기 개발 계획을 갖고 있으며, 어쩌면 그러한 무기들은 이미 그들의 탄약고에 확보하고 있을수도 있다"라고 추측했다. 이상은 오늘자 CNN뉴스에서 옮긴 기사일부 입니다. 좀더 자세한 내용은 아래 원문을 참조 하시기를..... 감사. Goss: North Korea's nuclear capability grows CIA director also cites chemical, biological weapons programs Thursday, February 17, 2005 Posted: 1:58 AM EST (0658 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea's nuclear weapons arsenal has grown since the country was labeled part of an "axis of evil" by President Bush three years ago, CIA Director Porter Goss testified Wednesday before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee. "Our assessment is they have a greater capability than that assessment," Goss said, referring to a January 2002 CIA assessment of North Korea's nuclear program, which stated the communist state had produced enough plutonium for one or two nuclear weapons. "In other words, it has increased since then." In his first public appearance as CIA director, Goss said he could not be more specific because the information was classified. In his opening statement to the committee, Goss outlined various international threats to the United States, including al Qaeda, whose leaders -- Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri -- remain at large. (Full story) In addition to pursuing nuclear weapons, Goss said North Korea "continues to develop, produce, deploy and sell ballistic missiles of increasing range, augmenting Pyongyang's large operational force of Scud and No Dong class missiles." North Korea is looking for new customers for its ballistic-missile technology, Goss said, now that "traditional customers" such as Libya have stopped trading with North Korea. The CIA also believes North Korea has "active chemical weapons and biological weapons programs," and may even have chemical and biological weapons at their disposal, Goss said. U.S.: No concessions Bush labeled North Korea, Iran and Iraq an "axis of evil" in his January 2002 State of the Union address. "By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger," the president said then. By the end of 2002, North Korea had expelled inspectors from the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency and removed the IAEA's monitoring seals and cameras from its nuclear facilities. Six-party talks aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear program have been stalled since September 2004, and North Korea last Thursday said it had no intention of returning to the negotiating table. Pyongyang also declared for the first time publicly that the country has nuclear weapons and threatened to bolster its weapons arsenal, in response to what it deemed U.S. threats to its political system. The United States has refused to offer concessions to entice North Korea back to the multilateral talks, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Monday. Three of the other parties -- China, South Korea and Japan -- have advocated a more conciliatory approach to solving the North Korean nuclear issues and have urged the United States to be more flexible. The CIA director told the committee he believes the main reason for nuclear proliferation in countries such as North Korea and Iran is not so much to stage an attack as to keep up with their nuclear neighbors. "Having watched the pride of some countries in acquiring the world-stage status of having nuclear weapons -- and what that has meant for nationalism and leadership ... it becomes almost a piece of the holy grail for a small country that otherwise might be victimized living in a dangerous neighborhood," Goss said. Story