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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 181 전체: 250,704 )
긍지를 느끼는 한국제품의 세계적 지명도..

삼성제품의 세계적 지명도와, 이렇게 발전해서 세계적으로 이분야에서 석권하고 있던 일본 제품을 제압하고, 우뚝 서게된 알려지지 않은 이야기가 외국기자에 의해 세계에 알려지게된 내용입니다. 한국의 정치판도 이렇게 잘 했으면하는 아쉬움이 뒤따르기도 하군요. Samsung story 2005/01/07 11:46 추천 0 스크랩 3 Samsung, the company to watch at CES Commentary: Korean electronics maker has moved into leadership By John C. Dvorak Last Update: 3:22 PM ET Jan. 5, 2005 BERKELEY, Calif. (CBS.MW) -- The Consumer Electronics Show is being held this week in Las Vegas. It's the largest show of its kind in the world. I would not be surprised if attendance reached 400,000. Since the cancellation of the COMDEX show last November many of the exhibitors and showgoers will be adding to the burden on CES. This show mainly highlights new audio and video gear as well as unusual gizmos often related to automobile stereos and cell phone technology. With the cancellation of COMDEX I expect to see a lot of computer-related equipment and digital cameras too. Anything that has to do with media centers will also be at this show. Over the years one company, Samsung, seems to have benefited most from CES. It has made itself a player on the international stage in ways that would have been unthinkable a decade ago when Sony, Panasonic and the usual suspects from Japan were dominating consumer electronics. Over the past few years Korean-based Samsung has emerged as one of the most aggressive and innovative consumer electronics firms in the world and now dominates the Japanese companies in many categories. With high-quality, low-prices and creative ideas, Samsung has reversed the stereotypes about Korean products and their relative low quality. Moreover the company has done more to promote high-definition TV equipment than any other company. This includes an array of tuners, HD monitors and all sorts of DVD players that convert the data into HD images. The company is now a major player in phones as well as other consumer electronics. In Asia it adds home appliances to the roster with refrigerators and other devices. Above all, the equipment is well made and the quality is world class. So what ever happened to the image of low-quality goods from Korea? I visited the company about 8 years ago when it was first moving into LCD technology which it now dominates worldwide. It was one of the top computer monitor makers at the time and had the vision to move into LCD's fast. There was a story that went around the company that may or may not be true, but bears repeating and is apt. Supposedly Samsung Chairman Kun-Hee Lee was visiting New York. He was at Macy's or some big department store. He was looking around with his staff and noticed that while there were a lot of Japanese products but nothing from Korea. He pulled over a floor salesperson and asked him why there were no products from Korea. The fellow told him bluntly, "Because Korean products are junk!" As the story goes Lee returned to Korea with the determination to reverse this image of Korean goods and since then Samsung has emerged on the market as a world beater. Even if the story is not true something happened at Suamsung to trigger this outburst of nice products. It's domination of the LCD business, selling over 30 million panels annually, is a case study. Its next move may be into the OLED (organic light-emitting diode) business. OLED's are believed to be the next big thing in display technology and recent reports indicate that Samsung may have developed a 21-inch prototype. I'll be asking about it at CES. The advantage of OLED displays when they are eventually commercialized will be their low cost. Once perfected this technology will dominate display technologies. At CES the company will be showcasing all its display technologies including what it says is the largest LCD TV panel yet produced, a massive 57-inch unit, as well as an 80-inch plasma HDTV screen. Not taking any chances the company also makes a rear projector TV utilizing the Texas Instrument DLP technology and will showcase a 1080p (progressive scan) HD unit, perhaps the first 1080p consumer set produced.. When the show is over Samsung will have dominated all its Japanese competitors with its aggressive offerings. If Chairman Kun-Hee Lee returns to New York, he'll be pleased to see things have changed in that store he visited since his products will be all over the place.