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2024 3 20
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 2,232 전체: 2,044,111 )
Canada's 2023 wildfires released more carbon than most of the world's top economies


. The wildfires that scorched approximately 37 million acres across Canada — about 4 percent of the country's forests in 2023— released more climate-warming carbon into the atmosphere than previously estimated, a new study in Nature said on Wednesday. "In fact, it is comparable to carbon emissions from large countries — fossil fuel carbon emissions from large countries. Like it would rank fourth after the US, China and India," Brendan Byrne, a NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Atmospheric Scientist, said. While Canada experienced abnormally hot temperatures in 2023, as the climate continues to warm, these temperatures are projected to be common by the 2050s, the study said.