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old + 19916 = 1 6 9 2 5 2 6
2024 3 20
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 2,238 전체: 2,044,117 )
Ukraine bombarded by more than 100 missile

. 유엔 "전쟁으로 1000만명 넘는 우크라인 집 떠나" :: 공감언론 뉴시스 ::



Russia carried out a barrage of air strikes on targets across Ukraine overnight on Sunday and into Monday, launching more than 100 missiles and “Shahed” drones in Russia’s biggest attack on Ukraine in weeks. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned the attack on his country, calling it “vile.” He called on Western governments to stick to agreements to supply air defence systems and said Ukraine and its partners should make a joint air defence agreement. “In various Ukrainian regions, we could have done more in order to protect life if… our European neighbours had worked together with our F16 and air defence,” he said.