추천업소 선택:
추천업소 그룹 리스트
  • 식품ㆍ음식점ㆍ쇼핑1
  • 부동산ㆍ건축ㆍ생활2
  • 미용ㆍ건강ㆍ의료3
  • 자동차ㆍ수리ㆍ운송4
  • 관광ㆍ하숙ㆍ스포츠5
  • 이민ㆍ유학ㆍ학교6
  • 금융ㆍ보험ㆍ모기지7
  • 컴퓨터ㆍ인터넷ㆍ전화8
  • 오락ㆍ유흥ㆍPC방9
  • 법률ㆍ회계ㆍ번역10
  • 꽃ㆍ결혼ㆍ사진11
  • 예술ㆍ광고ㆍ인쇄12
  • 도매ㆍ무역ㆍ장비13
  • 종교ㆍ언론ㆍ단체14
블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 122 전체: 143,432 )
How does the blade curve affect the play?

How does the blade curve affect the play? A common misconception is that curved blades became popular because they allow faster shots. The truth is, the curve is mostly about puck control, not puckspeed. A curved blade makes the following three actions easier to achieve: 1. Consistency: the curve effectively forms a pocket at the bottom of whichthe puck will tend to go. If the puck always leaves the stick at the sameplace, the player passes and shoots more consistently. 2. Control: it’s easier to scoop the puck and take it quickly around anopponent with a curved blade. Other tricks are also made easier, likegrabbing the puck at the tip of the blade and shooting it upward. 3. Puck spin: it can hardly be seen by eye, but a curve permits more puck spin(see Figure 5 bellow). Spinning the puck makes it stable and moreaccurate, like a football or a Frisbee. In a saucer pass, spin is especiallyimportant because the puck must land flat on the ice. Although it istechnically possible spin the puck with a straight blade, it can be donebetter and more consistently with a curved blade. Applying cloth tape tothe blade also adds adhesion and helps the puck spin.