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How to Shoot a Wrist Shot in Hockey
How to Shoot a Wrist Shot in Hockey
The wrist shot is the most common shot in hockey.
It is most effective as a short quick shot,
so practice for control and speed.
1. Position the puck just slightly behind your back skate,
or at your side.
2. Dribble toward the goal.
3. Slide your lower hand down your stick
so that it is about 15 inches below your top hand.
4. Hold the stick with a firm grip.
5. Place your blade just behind the puck.
6. Cup the stick blade over the puck.
7. Look at the goal, then the puck,
and then back at the goal as you shoot.
8. Sweep the blade from behind the puck
to project it toward the goal.
9. Snap your wrists back as the puck leaves the stick.
10. Follow through, but keep it low.
Use a higher follow-through when shooting
for upper corners of the goal.
Shoot wrist shots from within 25 feet of the goal.