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How to Hit a Slap Shot
How to Hit a Slap Shot
This is one of the most difficult techniques in hockey, but when done correctly, it's a powerful and dangerous offensive weapon.
1. Skate to within a reasonable shooting distance from the goal.
2. Position your body sideways to the net and in a normal passing stance - skates parallel, knees bent, back bent forward, stick extended, blade edge flat on the ice (or roller rink) and puck cradled in the center of the blade.
3. Raise the stick up and straight back until your bottom hand is at shoulder level.
4. Keep your bottom arm straight.
5. Shift your weight to the back foot.
6. Raise your eyes, and mark the desired target (an open edge of the goal, not an opponent's helmet).
7. Bring the stick aggressively forward: Pull with your top hand, push with the bottom hand.
8. Transfer your weight to the front foot.
9. Strike the puck on its bottom edge.
10. Follow through with the stick.
11. Adjust the blade to control its height.
The slap shot is good for dumping the puck in the upstairs corner of the net.
The height of the shot depends on the height of the follow through.
A slap shot is inherently inaccurate. Practice in aiming is essential.
Because of its speed and upward trajectory, this shot is extremely dangerous. Always make sure other players are wearing all necessary protective gear, including a helmet with a full face mask.
Tips from eHow Users:
Bend Your Knees! by rb, M.
As a long-time rec league defenseman, I had tried for years to get a decent slap shot going. I'm a good skater with good balance and reasonably strong, and tried all the techniques listed here (and elsewhere), but nothing seemed to work.
Entirely by accident I discovered that the key was to get down lower by bending my knees a bit more. (Think sitting back, rather than bending over.) Suddenly it all came together. You get the flex on the shaft, better balance, better weight transfer, and almost effortless power behind the shot. (The only problem is, now I have to work on accuracy. Don't practise this on your goalie in pre-game warm-ups!)
Hope this helps.
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Slap shots by Bob H.
Place the puck in a position that is either in line with side of your skate, or slightly behind. The puck should not be too far out to the side. As a rule, approximately two blade lengths. Your shot will be lower and more powerful. That's how Al MacInise shoots the puck so hard and low.
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