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Lost Horizon


Clara Cho


 Today, I like to talk about a title called "Lost Horizon" which is actually the title of the book written by the author, James Hilton, a long time ago, when Reader's Digest was popular and most of English-speaking people favored reading regularly, due not to reading all of the books, Reader's Digest did make simplify for the readers.

 Now, that Reader's Digest become out of fashion.

 Yet, around 1940 year, Reader's Digest called the book "Lost Horizon" the world's best reading book.

 This morning I found that book in the bookcase, I read April 2018.

 If I just introduce a book like Reader's Digest, four people took an airplane ride, and middle of flying, the airplane lost direction, the Chinese pilot safely landed in some area that almost looks like the top of a mountain in Tibet where the called Shangri-La, the symbol of heaven, where you will never starve, get old nor get sick. However, after a while, the four people wanted to come out of that place.

 They planned to escape heaven and they succeeded to fly back to the U.S.

 That means how the place could be worry-free, still, people like use their own free will of power and senses.

 Yet, when we visited Australia we stayed hotel called Shangri-La which owned by rich Chinese Tycoon Lee who owned the oil company "Husky" as well.

 However, the word Shangri-La become the symbol of peace during the Second World War, even US President Roosevelt called his cottage Shangri-La, now changed to Camp David.

 Just imagine that you will live forever, how do you feel about or think about it?

 In the Bible, Elijah asked God that he might die, yet, an angel God give him bread and water to make him live another 40 days and he died.

 Life is coming and going, yet, remember where there is life there is hope, we have to live exceptionally well and hard. We might ride a camel on the way to heaven.




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