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The most common forms of betrayal are harmful disclosures of confidential information, disloyalty, infidelity, dishonesty. The effects of betrayal bring shock, loss, grief, anger even damaged self-esteem.


As look into the history the notable 25 of Betrayals that changed the course of history. In between them, Judas Iscariot who is one of the 12 apostles betrayed Jesus after the Last Supper in the garden of Gethsemane which is the most betrayal in our history.  Actually, Jesus was betrayed by two of His disciples, Judas and Peter.


The saddest betrayal is not from an enemy. It is from trusted -friend, family member or acquaintance that is truly makes betrayal so hurtful and sad.

Another the Greatest Betrayal in history is the action of Brutus against Dictator of that time, Julius Caesar.

His wife gave him the hint that was her dream, yet he joined the Roman Senators who murdered Caesar.


We can not ignore Shakespeare who wrote so many stories, one of them is Othello and Desdemona.

Othello believing Desdemona has betrayed him, even though she does not betraying him at all.

Instead, Iago betrays Othello by lying to him about Desdemona's faithfulness.

The end Othello kills Desdemona.


Since we will celebrate Easter, I looked into the Bible and the help from Google search that I choose 10 Betrayals,

1. Satan betrays Eve[ Gen. 3]

2. Cain betrays Abel [Gen.4;1-12]  made the movie, The East of Eden.

3. Joseph's brothers betray Joseph [Gen.37]

4. Deliah betrays Samson [Judges 16] made the movie.

5. Saul betrays David [I Sam. 18-26 ]

6. David betrays Uriah

7. Ahab betrays Micaiah [I Kings 22]

8. Joash betrays Zechariah [2 Chron. 24]

9. Judas betrays Jesus [Luke 22;47-48 ]

10. God's people betray God [ Ezek. 16 ]


To wish for grant us our forgive of our trespass and lead us not into temptation, how about read one of betrayal from the Bible during this time of Easter time.


To celebrate the Easter,

March 26th,




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