블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 29 전체: 15,009 )


Although I have been living in Canada for more than 50 years, on some level I could tell still Canada is my emigrated country, especially when I watch sports games on TV.

Because only half of myself is living here, the other half, maybe still I left in Korea where was born, yet, I am not interested in their politics.

In the olden song, our life is always will be the only passenger on this earth.

When I look back at where we started here, a lot of memory is circulating like a movie that is very interesting things, yet, memory should be more interesting in the future than the past which always passed and never return or went back there.  Since we live in Canada and pay taxes to the Canadian government and now get paid our pension from the Canadian government and we have the right to vote for choosing electing policy workers.

All those matters are our duty as a nation of people, yet, we did not exercise those things to Korean Government.

We are just born there a long time ago and got educated there, so they are our mother's nation.

We could have our opinions about how Korean politicians run Korea yet, it is through the opinions of mass media from there we learned all the news, it is only my humble opinion.

Maybe some people who have strong patriotism, their feeling could be different, yet, without living there, it is hard to exercise their right opinion the right way to do it, in my opinion.

Once more than 10 years ago, one of my husband's friends who lives in Columbia, South America write a biography titles "Did I really love my mother country Korea?”

Maybe when he was a young man left Korea to live in Columbia where he had a good business and lived as a Columbian successfully, still felt guilty about leaving Korea that is I do not know.

Me, once I crossed the Rubicon River, I put my mind and myself to making a living in Canada firmly.

I did not have time to pay attention to Korea, and somebody call me I do not have patriotism.

Even though opinion could not hurt someone physically, yet, it could hurt emotionally, which is important.

The past happy memory is mostly will be left in my mind which gave me happiness after the bad ones were erased, that is human nature, since we like to remember only good ones.

Even though just half of myself is living here I am still thinking that I choose a good country to live in for myself and my children.

I wish I am living in the air, flying like a feather, flying around where I like to go that will be my dream.




<저작권자(c) Budongsancanada.com 부동산캐나다 한인뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 >