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이매자 작가의 소설 <하늘의 목소리>


I would like to share my knowledge or thoughts about the action of translation which is from one language to another language, we translate the article or any kind of written book.

When I choose for reading a book, sometimes I think about why famous Korean books are not translated into English is an international language.

If Korea has a good translator who could translate many famous written Korean books to translate will have many chances of earning the Nobel Prize.

As far as I remember I read two books that translate into English and become internationally famous well-readied books.

The first one is "The voices of Heaven" written by Maija Rhee Devine who is a Korean-born writer, who graduated Sogang University in Seoul, who lives in the United States, and her husband is American.

The other writer is Kyung-Sook Shin who wrote "Please look after mom" which she wrote in Korean and translated into English by Chi-Young Kim.

Both books are written by a lady who is quite well-accepted in the English literary world.

I read a few books written by a Japanese writer who is famous and well-accepted in the English world.

Specially Murakami Haruki and Kazuo Ishiguro, specially Kazuro Ishiguro is knighted by England and now become Sir and even received Nobel Prize as well, one of his books made to the movie, The Remains of the day is very famous.

I could say he is English since when he was a little boy, he came to England. Only his name is Japanese, yet.

Another of my favorite writer is Colombian, Mr. Gabriel Garcia Marques lived in Mexico and write in Spanish, he has good translators, who did a good job making him earn Nobel Prize and become internationally famous.


Another notable writer is Brazillian whose name is Paulo Coelho, who wrote many internationally famous books, yet, all of them were written in his born country's language, and, well-received internationally through translation in English book published in the United States.

In my mind, they have good translators who understand the writer's true intention and why and how the writer wrote that book and truly understand the writer's point of meaning and objects.

That good points made the reader understand what the writer wrote that book through translated English, that we as readers love that book.

A long time ago, I read the book written by Amy Tang, the title is "The Joy Luck Club" which I even watched the movie as well, that story is a Chinese Immigrant's story.

There are so many good books for reading, I do not have time to read all of the books. However, reading a lot of books give me knowledge in which I could merely express my thoughts or feeling to write about skills.

When I buy the book, always write down the date of purchase, and after a while when I take look again, I felt time fly away so quickly.

All I have to thank God, still I am kicking around.





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