한인입양가족 설날잔치 감사편지

다음은 지난 2월 13일(토) 민주평통 토론토협의회(회장 김연수) 주최로 열린 입양아가족 설날잔치(온라인)참석한 가족으로부터 받은 감사 편지입니다. (민주평통 제공)

Dear Mr. Kim,

 Our son, Sam-Jin, was born in Busan in 2005. We travelled to South Korea that fall to bring him home. This was our introduction to Korean culture. We were amazed and blessed by the generosity of everyone we met. We were so thankful for the wisdom and organization Korea displayed in how they handled every aspect of the adoption process. Since that time, our impressions of Korea have only been more deeply entrenched by the many other Koreans we have met.

 Our family would like to thank you and everyone at NUAC for your generosity in sponsoring this year’s Lunar New year celebration and many other events. Though Sam-Jin is growing up in Canada with Canadian parents, he has a deep pride and love for his birth culture. This would be impossible were it not for people like you, who have shown  genuine interest in our children and have a heartfelt desire to see them flourish.

 A message we hold deep in our hearts is one that Mrs. Ari Chung shared at last year’s new year event. She said that adoptive children hold a special place in the unification effort. Within themselves, adoptive children represent the uniting of two disparate families and cultures. Adoptive children embody unification and so they are excellent ambassadors for the challenging, but worthwhile efforts toward unity.

 Thank you to NUAC for the very tangible ways you are teaching our son that he is valued. He has grown to love his Korean heritage and we are confident that will only continue.

 All the best to you and your organization as you continue to advance Korean unification. 

 Attached is a picture from our Motherland Tour in 2016.


Todd, Patricia and Sam-Jin Attwood


<저작권자(c) Budongsancanada.com 부동산캐나다 한인뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 >