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Swing sequence: Vijay Singh

I'm happy with my swing, and so is my friend, Byron Nelson I'm thinking about three things when I swing: First, I want to complete the backswing. The second is making a little bump with my hips toward the target to start the downswing. The third is firing my hips. Photos: Dom Furore By Vijay Singh Edited by Scott Smith Golf Digest, June 2005 I've worked with a lot of instructors over the years. And I've discussed the golf swing with the game's most knowledgable players, such as Byron Nelson, who I've gotten to know from playing his tournament. What I'm doing is borrowing their minds for a little while. I take what's good for me, and I discard the rest. Getting the hip movement right was the biggest breakthrough in my swing. It happened about four years ago. I learned how to really fire my hips for a true, full release. When your hips slow down, you have to flip your hands over to compensate, and that's when the ball goes left. When I clear my hips fast, I can swing as hard as I want, and the ball never goes left. I'm thinking about three things when I swing. First, I want to complete the backswing. The second is making a little bump with my hips toward the target to start the downswing. The third is firing my hips. I might work on a few other things here and there, but these three things are my fundamentals. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Nelson, and I'm honored that he provided the critique of my 3-wood swing in this article.