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블로그 ( 오늘 방문자 수: 592 전체: 1,747,759 )
Health Canada warning over hand sanitizers in packs dangerous to kids.



Health Canada warning over hand sanitizers


in packs dangerous to kids.


Health Canada has issued an advisory for parents to be aware of hand sanitizers in non-traditional packaging which may prove harmful to children.

With school having started in some areas or about to start in others, the agency is asking parents and guardians to be mindful of hand sanitizers in packaging that could be mistaken by children as food or beverage packs.

“Health Canada recommends against using hand sanitizers sold in packaging that resembles food or beverage containers in settings in which direct adult supervision cannot be assured at all times, such as at school,” read the advisory which was issued Friday. “To avoid accidental ingestion, hand sanitizers should be stored away from, and out of sight of, children under six years of age.”

The warning follows a similar advisory issued back in June about the risk of poisoning from hand sanitizers sold in packaging commonly used for beverages.



Health Canada is reminding parents that hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of germs, including COVID-19, and it recommends using an authorized hand sanitizer that has an alcohol concentration of at least 60 per cent.

All hand sanitizer products authorized for sale by Health Canada have an eight-digit Drug Identification Number (DIN) or Natural Product Number (NPN) on the label, and are listed on the List of Hand Sanitizers Authorized by Health Canada.
