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Top 10 Superfoods

Top 10 Superfoods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stock your kitchen with nutritious essentials that'll make it easy to fix healthy meals and snacks. By Joey Shulman Printer-friendly page Related links from · 6 steps to a great social life You're going to a deserted island for one month and you can bring 10 wholesome, "superfoods" that will provide you with complete nutrition. Which foods would you choose? Luckily, nature is generous and provides us with many nutritional options that can pave the path to optimal health. The following top 10 "superfoods" are selections that should be included in every grocery cart. Berries contain substances that offer protection against cancer, harmful bacteria such as E.coli and help in fighting off urinary-tract infections. 1. Soy Research shows that soy contains plant substances called isoflavones that help to ward off heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. This humble bean is an excellent source of protein and contains little to no cholesterol or saturated fat. 2. Broccoli This green giant is a nutritional powerhouse. Part of broccoli?s protection is derived from phytochemicals, plant compositions that appear to halt tumour growth and give your immune system a boost. This complete vegetable also provides an excellent source of vitamin C. 3. Salmon Many North Americans are deficient in an essential fatty acid called omega-3. Salmon and other cold-water fish (e.g. tuna, mackerel and halibut) contain oils that are rich in omega-3. This "good fat" will protect your arteries against plaque build up and is effective in lowering the "bad" cholesterol. 4. Brown rice Think brown instead of white for weight loss, a healthy colon and a decrease in cholesterol. High in fibre and loaded with vitamin B, folacin, iron, potassium, zinc and trace minerals, there is no beating this mealtime staple. 5. Water Although technically not a "food", the body is completely dependent on water for survival. Dehydration is one of the main causes of fatigue and muscular stiffness. By drinking six, eight-ounce glasses of water daily, you will notice a dramatic increase in energy levels and in the health and vitality of your hair and skin. 6. Berries Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries - you name it, they've got it. These colourful gifts from nature contain substances that offer protection against cancer, harmful bacteria such as E.coli and help in fighting off urinary-tract infections. 7. Omega-3 eggs Eating omega-3 eggs in moderation (no more than five per week) is an excellent way to sneak in more of this "good fat" into your diet. This type of egg is now available in most grocery stores. 8. Yams A healthier alternative to the white potato. Yams are filled with carotenes that provide protection against tumour growth and heart disease. To include more carotenes, also think orange and green - carrots, squash, apricots, spinach and broccoli. 9. Seeds An excellent snack food high in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and iron. For optimal nutritional value, it is best to eat seeds raw. Sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are delicious sprinkled over top of a salad. 10. Garlic This sometimes stinky food is a powerful anti-fungal, an anti-viral and an anti-bacterial. Studies show garlic lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. In order to benefit from these health-boosting effects, it is important to mash the garlic prior to eating. Dr. Joey Shulman is a chiropractor, nutritionist and a writer. She currently practises in Toronto and is the author of Winning the Food Fight, a book about pediatric nutrition. For more information, visit