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A brief History of Time

영문 기고

Clara Cho


 Holy Easter passed now, and the symbol of new life is beginning, I thought about the book written by Stephen W. Hawking, the title is "A Brief History of Time, that book was too hard for me to keep reading, because the theory of that book was too hard to understand with my lack of scientific knowledge, one sentence which I happened to like very much is whole our life is just brief history of time, so that gives me easily feeling what I think or do in my life.

 Since I felt so blessed for new rest of my life, what I will do to not regret my deathbed? That will remain the question in my life, yet, I like to leave behind better than what I took over.

 First I like to see what nature does when they wake up from winter night. The sun was breaking in the east and yellowish light cast itself across the lake of white snow.

 I could see the strong wind shake up dried barren trees from winter to get moisture to bring up to the tree branch to give them spring life.

 During the winter the sap of the tree was hidden at the root underground, now to bring up sap to the tip of the tree needed the strong wind to do the work.

 Strong wind and strong sunlight could wake up from winter sleep, could go out of the scattered field and enjoy the change of season.

 Soon the winter ice on the lake will disappear and suddenly we could see the blue wave that will bring white floating yacht, and fisherman on the shore.

 Only through the window, I could participate change of season, yet, still, I have hope that my farm field will be ready for the spring season that will bring the food which our whole world really needed.

 The last time when we visited Vancouver, their tree does not produce sap or deep-rooted tree, since their winter is not cold enough to do that job by nature, the forest keeper told us on the forest tour.

 How many springs I will appreciate, that I do not know yet, that is everybody's question.

 Since life is fair to everyone, rich, poor, educated, uneducated, successful in life or not, God is fair to every human being.  

(Clara Cho, the first week of April, 2023)






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